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15 Years of Weibo: The Evolution of China’s Social Media Giant

From ‘Chinese Twitter’ to digital dinosaur, the story of Weibo reflects the shifting dynamics of China’s online media landscape.

Manya Koetse




Weibo has turned fifteen. As one of China’s most popular social media platforms, its journey over the past decade and a half not only tells the story of Weibo as a platform but also reflects the transformations of China’s internet at large.

It was August 14, 2009, when a new Chinese social media platform was first launched. Its name was Sina Weibo (新浪微博): ‘Sina’ because it is owned and created by Sina Corporation, a Chinese online media company founded in 1998. ‘Weibo’ because the platform allows users to post short ‘blogs,’ with wēibó (微博) literally meaning micro-blog.

At the time of its launch, Sina Weibo faced little competition and quickly gained traction. Within four months, it surpassed 5 million users. Now, over 15 years later, Weibo has over 580 million monthly active users (Ke 2024; Liang 2022).

As one of the pioneering platforms in China’s social media landscape that managed to stick around for so long, its story has become an important part of China’s internet history. Its rise, transformation, and future is closely connected to the broader evolution of Chinese online developments.

Here, we’ll dive deeper into the shifting role of Weibo in China’s digital age and how its struggles mirror those of a rapidly evolving internet ecosystem, where competition, censorship, and user expectations continuously reshape the platform’s journey.

But before diving into its evolution, let’s take a step back to where it all began: the year 2009.


1. China’s Pre-Weibo Social Landscape
2. Weibo’s Recipe for Success
3. From Grassroots Voices to Government Control
4. Navigating the Next Digital Era


China’s Pre-Weibo Social Landscape


The year 2009 was a pivotal moment of change for China’s social media and internet landcape at large. It was the year when many platforms made their exit, when Weibo was launched, and when the beginning of China’s mobile internet era forced companies to rethink their strategies (Xu 2009).

The decade preceding 2009 had been a flourishing one in which the foundations of China’s own internet ecosystem had been solidified. By 1999, nearly all of China’s future internet giants—Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, NetEase, Ctrip, Shanda,, Sina, and Sohu—had been founded, and blogging had grown so popular that 2005 became known as the ‘year of Chinese blogging’ (Mao 2020; Yu 2007, 424).

With a lively internet cafe culture, thriving online games and active message boards, those early years of social media in China were exciting, fun. Many people undoubtedly look back on them with great nostalgia.

A Chongqing internet cafe in 2005, via Baike/Baidu.

Were these the golden years of Chinese internet? For some of China’s very first online influencers, they certainly were: in 2003, Muzimei (Mùzǐ Měi 木子美), a Cantonese sex columnist who started publishing a frank web diary of her sexual encounters with numerous men, became super famous for a while. A year later, Sister Lotus (Fúróng Jiějiě 芙蓉姐姐) from Shaanxi became the next DIY celebrity, acquiring her fame for sharing personal stories and posting provocative pictures on Tsinghua message boards. With his critical and outspoken blog posts, writer Han Han (韩寒) became China’s most famous blogger and arguably was the first KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in the Chinese digital sphere (Harwit 2014, 1066; Jeffreys & Edwards 2010, 11).

Muzimei, Sister Lotus, and Han Han (via Baike, Sohu, Kknews)

In this booming blogging time, China’s early social media environment was relatively crowded. Inspired by the success of Facebook, launched in 2004, and Twitter, which debuted in 2006, many Chinese companies tried to copy their formula. By 2007, a series of Chinese equivalents emerged, including the country’s first ‘weibo’ (microblogging) platform, Fanfou (饭否). This was soon followed by competitors such as Jiwai (叽歪), Taotao (滔滔), and other domestic players, creating strong competition for Facebook and Twitter, both of which were still accessible in mainland China at the time.

Then came 2009, a politically charged year on multiple fronts—internationally, domestically, and locally.

➡️ It was the year social media emerged as a powerful tool for activism, fueling various pro-democracy protests abroad, such as the Iranian Green Movement. Dubbed “Twitter Revolutions,” these movements relied heavily on social media for sharing information and organizing resistance. This undoubtedly heightened concerns among Chinese authorities about the potential for similar events in China, especially as the summer of 2009 marked the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests (Harwit 2014, 1077; Zhang & Negro 2013, 200).

➡️ It was the year of the major fire at the Beijing Television Cultural Center, located right behind the brand-new CCTV tower designed by Rem Koolhaas. While traditional media reported on the fire cautiously, the real story emerged through witnesses on the street using Twitter and local microblogs. Some even suggested that the fire was reported in real-time on social media before the local fire station was aware. This event highlighted for authorities the immense power of social media and the growing impact of ‘citizen journalism’ (Sullivan 2012, 775).

The fire at the Beijing Television Cultural Center, 9 February 2009 (Wikimedia source)

➡️ It was also the year of continued unrest in Tibet and major riots in Xinjiang, both of which were attributed to the free flow of information on social media. These incidents led to localized internet shutdowns and tighter centralized online controls. Following the Xinjiang riots, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter were blocked in China, and popular domestic platforms like Fanfou suspended their services.

The big exit of America’s social media giants in China and the end for early domestic platforms created a window of opportunity for new, emerging players. Local businesses quickly stepped into the social media vacuum.

The first to present a viable plan was the media company Sina. Its CEO, Charles Chao (Cáo Guówěi 曹国伟), trusted by Chinese authorities, assured the government that content on their platform would be tightly regulated and that they would guide the direction of online public opinion by structuring and organizing discussions in certain ways (Stockman & Luo 2017, 199; Sullivan 2012, 775).

Consequently, while Weibo’s launch in 2009 occurred amidst political turbulence, its founding was itself a highly political event. Not only was its creation inseparable from the political climate of the time, but the platform also became a tool for influencing and controlling public opinion and discourse.


2. Weibo’s Recipe for Success


While the start of Sina Weibo is intertwined with China’s political climate, the platform is inherently commercial. As the first microblogging platform to be authorized after the 2009 crackdown, Sina Weibo had a clear advantage and stood at the beginning of a new Chinese digital era—one marked by the dominance of domestic players and the rise of the smartphone boom.

Weibo was initially modeled after Twitter in some ways. In addition to allowing users to post images and GIFs, it also had a 140-character limit for posts, focused on real-time, public conversations, utilized hashtags and trends, and implemented a “follower-following” system. This system allowed users to follow public figures or celebrities without needing to be mutual ‘friends,’ like on Facebook.

Weibo’s old layout.

These features quickly earned Weibo the label of the “Chinese version of Twitter.” With its competition out of the way, Weibo emerged at exactly the right time.

Other Weibos: Sohu Weibo, Tencent Weibo, NetEase Weibo.

Although the timing was opportune, Sina needed more than just favorable circumstances to attract a large user base, especially because other ‘Weibos’ soon followed: Tencent Weibo, Sohu Weibo, and Netease Weibo all tried to get their share of the market. With a clear strategy, Sina transformed their Weibo into something far more than a mere Twitter clone.

Strategy #1: Right Timing, Right People

One important part of the strategy employed by Sina Weibo is that, immediately after its authorization, it started to encourage movie stars, singers and famous business, sport and media celebrities to join their platform (Zhang & Negro 2013, 201).

As an online media company, Sina was already well-connected with public figures and they had previously leveraged celebrity influence to boost their Sina blogging platform in the pre-Weibo years. Just eleven months after launching, Sina Weibo had verified over 20,000 celebrities or influentials on its platform, with some top accounts, like actress Yao Chen (姚晨), boasting over two million followers (Baike 2024).

By 2011, actress Yao Chen had 10 million followers on Weibo. Image source: Steven Millward, Tech in Asia, 2011.

While Sina Weibo competitors focused more on grassroots users, this celebrity-centric approach created a snowball effect; the more influential people joined, the more others wanted to join as well.

Within three months after launch, Sina Weibo had one million users; by its eighth month, they reached 10 million; and a year later, there were over 50 million registered users (Zhang & Negro 2013, 201).

Strategy #2: Fostering Weibo Culture

From the start, Sina Weibo also chose a noteworthy approach of being very community-driven, promoting “Weibo Culture,” holding various competitons and conferences to invite talents from all over the country to share their ideas and views on the use of Weibo, holding an annual Weibo Night, and setting up its Charity Platform.

To this day, ‘Weibo Culture’ is an important part of the platform, as Weibo is sponsor and initiator of all kinds of events across entertainment, media, sports, academics, art.

Some older and newer examples include Weibo Movie night, Weibo TV & Internet Summit, Weibo dance competition, Weibo mobile photography competition, Weibo developer challenge (2011), Weibo marketing strategy competition (2018), Weibo vlog contest, and Weibo campus awards. These initiatives allow Weibo to increase its influence across various social fields, attract more users, and enhance its brand vaue and engagement.

Strategy #3: Weibo At Heart of Unfolding News Events

What stands out most about Sina Weibo’s strategy is how it positioned itself at the center of unfolding news events—not only as the key platform for users to discuss incidents but also as an active player in gathering, managing, and disseminating information during critical moments (Li 2023, 738).

One important reason for this emphasis on unfolding news is that breaking events are a “battleground for business”—a prime opportunity to boost viewing rates, attract more users, and ultimately increase revenue.

A notable example is the 2011 Wenzhou train crash, where Weibo quickly emerged as a vital source for real-time updates. Operators actively filtered and manually reviewed posts related to the crash, extracting crucial information. Passenger accounts were highlighted as key contributors, and the platform consistently delivered the latest updates to users.

Furthermore, by showcasing and contrasting different perspectives, Weibo encouraged discussions and amplified the controversies surrounding the incident, drawing significant public attention. As Weibo users shared firsthand accounts, challenged the official narrative, and demanded transparency about what had occurred and why it was being concealed, the incident solidified Weibo’s role as China’s leading social media platform for public discourse and real-time engagement during major events (Le Han 2016, 12; Li 2023, 738).

The Wenzhou train collision, images via China Youth Online.

Fudan University’s Mengying Li conducted extensive research on Sina Weibo’s operational strategies during its early years. Focusing on major incidents or Weibo’s ‘hot event operations’ (热点事件运营), she carried out 21 in-depth interviews with Weibo operators and opinion leaders. Li found that Weibo, much like a news editor at a newspaper, played a pivotal role in helping incidents go viral—a practice that continues to influence the platform’s approach today (736-738):

🔸Weibo as News Agent: Weibo recruited and spotlighted journalists and intellectuals, prominently featuring their posts to shape public narratives.
🔸Weibo as an Information Curator: Weibo operators closely monitored breaking news incidents and acted on them immediately.
🔸Weibo as Relevancy Filter: Weibo ensured that posts from IP addresses linked to where an incident took place were prioritized and created topic pages to enable centralized discussions.
🔸Weibo as Amplifier of Key Voices: Weibo operators invited those at the center of incidents (e.g., victims or witnesses) to open verified accounts, providing them with a platform to share updates directly with the public.
🔸Weibo as Content Promoter: Weibo strategically amplified its own content by identifying and boosting key posts and user contributions through its recommendation mechanisms, distributing them via multiple channels.
🔸Weibo as Diverter: By steering attention toward new content and limiting the lifespan of trending topics, Weibo ensured a dynamic flow of fresh material to sustain user engagement and interest.

By 2011, it was clear that Sina Weibo was the ‘winner’ among microblogging platforms, leaving competitors far behind. Looking back, Chinese commentators such as Michael Anti have referred to Weibo’s early years (2009–2013) as its golden era (Koetse 2014). Sina Weibo crowned its success by acquiring the domain name in 2011, cementing its status as the definitive “Weibo.”


3. From Grassroots Voices to Government Control


From its early years, Weibo had strong appeal—not only as a celebrity-focused platform but also for companies, brands, NGOs, and regular users. As it quickly grew into one of China’s leading social media platforms, Weibo also became increasingly attractive to state and government-related actors.

Encouraging Government Engagement

The first government-run account to pop up on Weibo in 2009 was ‘“Weibo Yunnan” (微博云南), an account belonging to the Yunnan Provincial Government Information Office. The Vice Minister of the local Party Committee’s Propaganda Department, Wu Hao (伍皓), was the one to initiate the move to Weibo as a channel for local leadership to effectively communicatie with the public and address incidents. “The more transparent the information, the more likeable the government” (“信息越公开, 政府越可爱”) he said (Henan Shangbao 2009).

In 2011, Party Chief Cai Qi (蔡奇) became one of the first high-level officials to open an active Weibo account. The Party newspaper People’s Daily joined Weibo in 2012, paving the way for many more official accounts and state media outlets to follow. By the end of its first year, there were 41 government agencies and 60 public security bureaus actively using Weibo, along with 466 major news organizations that had established their own accounts (Baike 2024; Shao & Wang 2020, 47; Wei 2016).

From the beginning, Sina Weibo took an active role in shaping the leadership’s attitude toward the platform and encouraging government engagement. The company invited government departments to create accounts and provided training on managing public opinion during crises. CEO Charles Chao even delivered lectures at the Central Party School of the Communist Party and recorded video courses for government users, covering topics such as “How Weibo Could Help the Government.” These efforts paid off, with Weibo becoming a key platform for government institutions to share information: by 2014, over 130,000 Weibo accounts were official government accounts (Li 2023, 739–740; Hou 2017, 151).

New Interactions in the Digital Age

As these official accounts, celebrity accounts, and many others joined Weibo in large numbers, it became evident that the platform had evolved into a unique digital space where multiple societal layers could converge. It enabled actors from diverse sectors, who might never interact in other settings, to engage directly and publicly—facilitating a wide range of dynamic interactions. Besides interactions between celebrities and fans, this led to numerous interesting and insightful case studies throughout the years:

🔸 Celebrities vs. State Media: For example, when state media outlet CCTV reported that famous actor and director Zhang Guoli (张国立) advocated for stronger monitoring of web dramas during the plenary sessions, Zhang publicly contradicted them on Weibo, stating he hadn’t even spoken yet. This put CCTV in an awkward position, as it became clear to the public they were reporting on discussions that had not even occurred yet (read here).

🔸 Party Organizations vs. Online Regulators: In another case, a local branch of the Communist Youth League unexpectedly voiced support for China’s gay community on Weibo after online regulators listed homosexuality as an “abnormal sexual behavior” (read here).

🔸 Netizens vs. Corporations: Another noteworthy example is the Wei Zexi scandal. Wei, a 21-year-old cancer patient, died after being misled by false treatment information found on Baidu. The incident sparked widespread outrage on Weibo, exposing profit-driven malpractice in China’s healthcare market and implicating both Baidu and the Putian Medical Group (read here).

Bottom-up Movements, Top-down Regulation

From its early years to present, Weibo has always been a platform for public-driven movements, enabling users to address social injustices, create awareness on pressing issues and influence local politics.

🔹 In 2011, for example, sociologist Prof. Yu Jianrong (于建嵘) launched a Weibo campaign called “Take Photos to Rescue Child Beggars” (随手拍照解救乞讨儿童) during the Spring Festival. Over a span of just 14 days, participants from across the country contributed more than 2,500 photos and messages. With the assistance of law enforcement, the campaign successfully reunited six abducted children with their families. Among them was Peng Wenle (彭文乐), who had been kidnapped in Shenzhen in 2008; thanks to the campaign, he was finally brought home. This highlights Weibo’s role as a platform for opinion leaders to drive meaningful social impact (Chongqing Business Newspaper 2011; Zhan & Negro 2013, 203).

“Take Photos to Rescue Child Beggars” campaign. Left: one of the photos sent in by Weibo users photographing child beggars. Right: Peng reunited with his dad thanks to the campaign (Images via Chongqing Business News).

🔹 One other famous case highlighting the public-powered impact of Weibo is that of Yang Dacai (杨达才), a former Shaanxi provincial work safety bureau head. For most people, Yang was an unknown bureaucrat—until 2012, when a photograph of him smiling at the site of a tragic traffic accident that killed 36 people went viral. This image of the “Smiling Official” (微笑局长) sparked outrage on social media and quickly led to a digital investigation into his identity and background.

What followed was a striking example of China’s Human Flesh Search Engine (HFSE) in action. Internet users dug up numerous photos of Yang wearing 11 different luxury watches on various occasions, some valued at around 400,000 RMB (approximately $65,000 USD). This discovery led to Yang being nicknamed “Brother Watch” (表哥) and made him the subject of widespread public scrutiny.

Yang Dacai became a target of Weibo’s ‘Human Flesh Search Engine’ after netizens saw him smiling at the site of a traffic accident and then found he owned various luxury watches.

The online pressure eventually triggered an official investigation. Yang was sentenced to 14 years in prison for bribery and possession of assets of unclear origin, showcasing the HFSE’s ability to hold powerful figures accountable. The Yang Dacai case is an early and prominent example of the HFSE’s potential as a tool for online protest and crowdsourced monitoring in China.

While serving as a commercial entity, boosting state-society interactions, and providing a platform for diverse voices and movements, Weibo must also adhere to the various official (and at times murky) regulations of China’s digital environment. Although Weibo employs censorship strategies and follows directives from the Central Propaganda Department (Wang 2016), it still occasionally runs into trouble.

In 2017, for instance, Weibo, along with major platforms like Tencent and Baidu, was fined by Chinese regulators for hosting banned content as part of a broader crackdown on online information deemed inappropriate by the government. In 2018, Weibo was ordered to shut down its hot search and trending topic lists as a punishment for failing to manage its information flows effectively. Similar penalties followed in 2020 for “disrupting online communication order” and “spreading illegal information.” In 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China imposed a fine of 3 million yuan (approximately $471,165 USD) on Weibo for repeatedly allowing the publication of “illegal information.”


4. Navigating the Next Digital Era


As one of China’s social media giants, Weibo’s priority is to keep its users engaged and stay relevant. At the same, it is also a priority to keep authorities content and keep discussions in check. This balancing act has led to a seesaw movement between greater freedom and increased control on the platform. During periods of tighter regulation, Weibo’s relevance has occasionally appeared to waver, only to rise again.

Weibo Loses, Weibo Wins

📉 Around 2014-2015, when Weibo’s initial wave of success had settled, there was a growing sentiment that Weibo was on its way out, especially because other social media platforms became increasingly popular. WeChat, launched in 2011, had grown into more than just a messaging app—it became a lifestyle platform. If 2009-2012 was the golden age for Weibo, then 2012-2015 was the prime time for Tencent’s WeChat.

It was also a time when Chinese social media users were seeking their own niche online communities. Some gravitated toward Xiaohongshu (now also known as Rednote), an app launched in 2013 that blended online shopping guides with a community platform. It quickly became popular, especially among female Chinese users with interests in fashion, travel, and lifestyle.

Others turned to Zhihu, China’s first major Q&A website launched in 2011, or Kuaishou, the first Chinese short-video platform also developed in 2011. Meanwhile, video streaming site Bilibili gained early popularity among fans of anime, manga, and gaming with its interactive “bullet comments” (弹幕) feature (this allows viewers to post real-time comments that appear directly on the video screen as it plays).

During this time, Weibo was adjusting to new cyberspace regulations. In 2015, the BBC reported that new rules requiring real-name authentication on the platform could drive users away (Hatton 2015). “Weibo is dead” became a popular statement. Adding to the pessimism was the nervousness among investors during Sina Weibo’s stock market listing, fueled by growing concerns about how Weibo could handle increasing competition.

2014 Twitter conversation on Weibo being dead. (Screenshots by Whatsonweibo)

📈 But in 2016, Weibo saw a major revival with the rise of online influencers and the social media celebrity economy. Among a wave of self-made celebrities emerging during this period, Papi Jiang stood out as one of the “super influencers” (超级红人). The vlogger gained widespread fame with her humorous videos addressing everyday societal issues, becoming a rising superstar on the platform and contributing to its renewed success. Other viral creators who rose to prominence on Weibo included Aikeli Li (艾克里里), Huang Wenyu (黄文煜), Wang Nima (王尼玛), and others (Xiao Yao 2024)

Papi Jiang was one of the super viral Weibo creators of 2016.

📉 Then in 2019, a year marked by the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen protests, the US-China trade war, Hong Kong protests, and rising tensions surrounding Taiwan’s future, the censorship on Weibo seemed more stringent than ever before. This inevitably led to a noticeable decline in user engagement on the platform.

A post by a Chinese blogger, suggesting that intellectual discussions on Weibo were dying, struck a chord with millions of users (read the full translated post here). The blogger argued that Weibo was “no longer a place to share news and knowledge, nor a place for open debate.” With major events unfolding that could not be openly discussed, these issues became “like an elephant in the room on Weibo” (Koetse 2019).

📈 The Covid outbreak in late 2019 and early 2020, however, put Weibo right back at the center of China’s social media arena. Much like in its early years, Weibo was actively involved in unfolding incidents, ensuring that the latest Covid updates were readily available on the site and playing a key role in connecting those seeking help with relevant government departments.

While Weibo served as an important channel for Party media to promote narratives of a united China battling the virus, it also became a space where grassroots users expressed anger over local mishandlings and social injustices. This cemented Weibo’s role as a major online news hub during the pandemic, playing an even more “crucial role in shaping public engagement and political participation” than before (Beijing Daily 2020; Li 2023, 730-731).

Reshufflings in the AI Era

After the rise of China’s major internet companies and platforms in the late 1990s to early 2000s, followed by the transition to the mobile era between 2009 and 2013, we are now witnessing a third major phase of transformation and growth in the Chinese online media landscape: the AI era.

In recent years, Bytedance and its AI-driven apps, most notably Douyin (the mainland version of TikTok) have become increasingly influential in China. Other platforms that were initially more niche, such as Bilibili or Xiaohongshu (Rednote), have also moved into the mainstream, emerging as birthplaces for online trends and memes.

Where does this leave Weibo?

Some voices argue that Weibo’s current path has become too commercial. By prioritizing intrusive ads and clickbait headlines, critics feel it has lost its “human touch,” especially as many influential bloggers and celebrities have either left the platform or stopped updating. Somewhat ironically, they suggest that platforms designed with AI integration from the start, such as Douyin, now feel more authentic to users (Xiao Yao 2024; Tech Nice 2024).

Weibo, meanwhile, is often updates its features and is integrating more AI into its platform, not just to automatically identify and filter content, but also to create trending topic lists and content feeds, or to assist users in finding and understanding information and news events. The Weibo Smart Search AI chatbot (微博智搜), for example, answers questions about hot topics and helps users create posts about them.

Maintaining a strong foothold in China’s social media sphere is not just important for Weibo as a company, it’s also essential for official channels and state media in their efforts to shape public opinion and promote Party narratives. Weibo now has over 17,000 registered media accounts reaching an audience of millions. More than a celebrity platform, Weibo is the social home of China’s newspapers: 97% of the social and current affairs topics on Weibo’s trending lists now originate from media reports (ZGJX 2024).

Weibo’s struggles reflect the shifting dynamics of the online media environment. During a media conference in October 2024, Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei (王高飞) addressed how there has been a “decentralization” in online news consumption. Rather than looking at the centralized ‘hot topics,’ social media users, especially in the post-pandemic era, increasingly turn to personalized, decentralized information feeds. Moreover, the kind of content they prefer is also more interest-driven, which is why the role of AI is so important in social media today—something which companies like Bytedance and Xiaohongshu (Rednote) understand all too well.

Adapting to changing times, Weibo’s centralized trending topic lists are becoming less important, as the platform is now offering users more personalized topics based on their interests. Wang Gaofei remains optimistic about the platform’s future, emphasizing that media integration will continue to be a cornerstone of its strategy.

A Digital Dinosaur Standing Tall

It’s not easy to survive for 15 years in an online environment that evolves so quickly. Beyond navigating the complex dynamics of official guidelines, managing censorship, keeping users engaged, and satisfying advertisers, Weibo has had to constantly rethink its strategies and adapt to the times.

Despite uncertainties about its future role in China’s social media landscape, Weibo’s impact on the history of China’s internet is undeniable. The platform’s strength lies in its ability to facilitate public opinion, foster interaction across different layers of society, and play a significant role in news discussions. It has consistently balanced official demands with grassroots movements, occasionally stirring controversy to attract attention and highlight contentious news.

Surrounded by newer apps and younger companies, Weibo might already be considered a “dinosaur” in the world of Chinese social media. But it’s a tall one—a major example for emerging players to look up to as they navigate an increasingly complex digital ecosystem.

Even after 15 years, there is still no place like Weibo. It remains relevant as a central hub for discussing both mainstream and niche news. In an increasingly fragmented social media landscape, when something big happens, China still gathers in Weibo’s “living room.” In many ways, Weibo’s best strategy for future success might just be to remain true to what it has always been.

By Manya Koetse

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● Zhang, Zhan, and Gianluigi Negro. 2013. “Weibo in China: Understanding Its Development Through Communication Analysis and Cultural Studies.” Politics & Culture 46 (46): 199–216.

● ZGJX (China Journalists Association Net 中国记协网). 2024. “Sina Weibo CEO Wang Gaofei: Shaping a New Framework for Mainstream Public Opinion through Weibo’s Strength [新浪微博CEO王高飞:以微博之力共塑主流舆论新格局].” China New Media Conference, October 15. Accessed January 18, 2025.

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China Digital

From Weibo to RedNote: The Ultimate Short Guide to China’s Top 10 Social Media Platforms

Weibo, Wechat, Douyin, or Xiaohongshu? Understanding China’s top 10 social media platforms.

Manya Koetse




From Weibo to WeChat, from Rednote to Bilibili, China has a unique social media landscape that is constantly evolving with the times. In this short guide to China’s social media apps, we list the top 10 most popular platforms, explaining their names, origins, and the key features that have made them successful—some of them thriving for over 25 years (!) already.

These are complicated times for social media, as users around the world are jumping between different services while holding different views on what platforms should stand for, how they should be managed, and what their role should be.

In 2025, international media are more focused on Chinese social media apps than ever before, especially after January’s “Tiktok refugee” hype in which waves of US TikTok users migrated to to China’s Xiaohongshu app.

This foreign focus on China’s online landscape also highlights lingering misconceptions, with major media outlets still trying to label Chinese apps as “the Chinese Instagram,” “the Chinese Facebook,” and so on.

Some of these labels made sense around 2010, when Chinese companies were indeed creating domestic equivalents of Twitter or Pinterest. But those apps have since evolved into something much bigger.

Over the past month, we’ve been focusing on ‘15 years of Weibo‘ for our What’s on Weibo Chapters (check out our deep dive here and the expert insight here). The story of Weibo is an example of how China’s online landscape is constantly changing, even though some major social apps are already 15, 20, even 25 (!) years old. Their secret? It’s not copying Western apps—it’s avoiding a cookie-cutter approach and embracing change. As Xiaohongshu’s Charlwin Mao (毛文超) puts it: “We don’t ask ourselves if we’re a social or commerce company—we ask, what does the consumer want?”

Xiaohongshu is no Chinese Instagram. It also wasn’t a shopping site that added reviews—it was a review site that added shopping, completely flipping traditional e-commerce models on its head. One of China’s top livestreaming apps, Kuaishou, didn’t even start as a livestreaming platform. It began as a GIF-making tool, built its user base through other platforms, then evolved into a short-video app before taking off during the livestreaming boom. Today, the company is a major player in generative AI—its Sora competitor, Kling, was born from this adaptability.

These Chinese apps have become superapps by thinking outside the box, refusing to be confined by labels, and evolving like chameleons—adapting their functions to user needs.

In these rapidly changing social media times, I thought it was high time for a short “China Social Media for Dummies” guide. This short guide breaks down the top 10 Chinese social media platforms, what they stand for, and their core features.

For this article, I have selected ten platforms or apps that are generally the most well-known in China and have the highest number of monthly active users. While the first eight social media platforms are undoubtedly the biggest eight, the ranking becomes less clear beyond that. China has a diverse range of social apps across various categories, including dating, gaming, and livestreaming. In this case, I’ve chosen the apps that are the most widely recognized in the mainstream digital landscape.

1. WeChat (微信) ⎮ “It’s a Way of Life”
2. Douyin (抖音) ⎮ “Record a Beautiful Life”
3. Weibo (微博) ⎮ “Discover New Things, Anytime, Anywhere”
4. Tencent’s QQ (腾讯QQ) ⎮ “Relax and Be Yourself”
5. Kuaishou (快手) ⎮ “Embracing Every Way of Life”
6. Bilibili (B站) ⎮ “( ゜- ゜)つロ Cheers~”
7. Xiaohongshu (小红书) ⎮ “Your Guide to Life”
8. Zhihu (知乎) ⎮ “When There’s a Question, There’s an Answer”
9. Douban (豆瓣) ⎮ “Record Your Book, Film & Music Life”
10. Baidu Post Bar (百度贴吧) ⎮ “Discuss Your Interests, Join Tieba”


1. WeChat (微信)

🚀 Launched: January 2011 by Tencent

🀄 Chinese name: 微信 Wēixìn, literally meaning “micro message.”

💬 Tagline:”微信,是一个生活方式”
WeChat, it’s a way of life

🔍 WeChat at a Glance:

WeChat is one of the most famous Chinese apps and is the national multifunctional ‘superapp.’ It was developed by Tencent, a social-focused tech giant that has proven its ability to understand what Chinese internet users want. Tencent has been successful in the social networking and online gaming markets since the early 2000s, and WeChat is a product of strategies it developed between the late 1990s and early 2010s. WeChat (Weixin) was an instant hit. Within a year of its launch, it already had 100 million users. By January 2013, the number had reached 300 million. Today, WeChat has over 1.38 billion monthly active users, making it the most popular app in China.

More than just a social media platform, WeChat has become a digital key to navigating daily life in China. It is hard to label this app as anything other than a ‘superapp,’ as through the years it has added so many functions that it has become one of China’s most versatile platforms. It serves as a business card, payment method, news reader, and marketing platform. For personal users, WeChat is the go-to tool for staying in touch with friends and family. For brands and businesses, it is an essential tool for building and maintaining relationships with consumers.

🔑 Some Key Features of WeChat:

● Messaging (消息): Text and voice messaging, voice and video calls, group chats (up to 500 people), file transfers (videos/documents/images), gift-giving, sending red envelopes, built-in translation, and extensive use of emojis and stickers.
● Moments (朋友圈): WeChat’s social feed, where users can share photos, videos, and updates with friends—like a private social network.
● WeChat Pay (微信支付): Digital wallet for mobile payments in both online and offline purchases. WeChat is also expanding its palmprint payment services, allowing users to pay through palm recognition scannning technology for their cashless transactions.
● WeChat Official Accounts (公众号): Allows users to follow brands, news, and services for updates, acting as a hub for business and content distribution.
● Mini Programs (小程序): Embedded lightweight apps within WeChat, offering services like food delivery, ride-hailing, shopping, and games, eliminating the need for separate app downloads.
● WeChat Channels (视频号): A short-video and livestreaming feature within WeChat, allowing users to create, share, and discover video content.

🌍 Global Influence:

WeChat is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world (although it is banned in India). WeChat and Weixin are not just different names for the same app—they have distinct functionalities. WeChat serves the international market, while Weixin is designed for the Chinese market. The two versions are distinguished by mobile numbers and operate on separate servers. One key difference is official accounts: Weixin users may not be able to search for or subscribe to official WeChat accounts available to overseas users.

📌 Important to know:

WeChat launched its QR code payments (二维码支付) in 2012, a year after Alipay. With the rise of smartphones, QR code payments made digital transactions accessible to everyone, from store owners to street vendors. WeChat’s popularity played a key role in transforming China from a predominantly cash-based society in the early 2000s to a cashless society by the late 2010s (Ghose 2024).


2. Douyin (抖音)

🚀 Launched: September 2016 by Bytedance

🀄 Chinese name: 抖音 Dǒuyīn, literally meaning “shaking sound.”

💬 Tagline: 记录美好生活
Record a Beautiful Life

🔍 Douyin at a Glance:

Douyin is the Chinese mainland version of the globally popular app TikTok and the country’s most popular short-video platform. From the beginning, its parent company, ByteDance (字节跳动), founded in 2012 by Zhang Yiming (张一鸣), focused on two core elements: building innovative apps and using the power of AI for content personalization. Before launching Douyin, ByteDance had already found success with Toutiao (今日头条), a highly popular news aggregator app also relying on AI-powered content personalization. Although Douyin’s focus on music, influencer culture, and short, creative videos is quite different from Toutiao’s, its success has been largely built on the recommendation systems and operational expertise ByteDance had developed through Toutiao. Before building Toutiao, Zhang Yiming worked at Microsoft, among other companies, and co-founded the real estate search engine
Beyond ByteDance’s expertise, Douyin thrived thanks to China’s advanced 4G/5G infrastructure and a booming e-commerce industry. While Douyin initially focused on user-generated entertainment content, it has gradually evolved into a powerful multi-functional platform where users also consume and discuss the latest news and current events.

Today, Douyin and Weibo are among the most influential social platforms in China for following and discussing breaking news. Douyin is more influential in terms of active users: there are more than 760 million active monthly users (Brennan 2020; Su 2024).

🔑 Some Key Features of Douyin:

● Follow (关注): Similar to Weibo and Xiaohongshu, Douyin operates on a follower-followee network model, where users can follow others without requiring mutual follow-backs. Not every Douyin user creates videos; many are solely viewers.
● Short Video Creation (快拍): Douyin’s primary function is short video creation, either by filming directly in the app or uploading pre-recorded content from the phone’s gallery.
● AI Templates and Filters (AI创作): Douyin offers a vast range of AR filters, stickers, and special effects to make videos more attractive, fun, or engaging.
● Live Streaming (直播): Users can host live streams, interact with viewers in real time, and receive virtual gifts that can be converted into real-world earnings.
● Front Page (首页): The endlessly scrollable front page features personalized content recommended by AI algorithms based on the user’s profile, location, preferences, and interactions.
● Friends (朋友): Users can import contacts from WeChat or QQ and see their videos directly within the app.
● Private Messaging (消息): Douyin supports private direct messaging with group chat options for private conversations and social interactions.
● Douyin Trending Lists (抖音热搜): Users can explore trending topics and hot searches. These lists are segmented into categories such as live streaming, films, brands, and music, offering insights into what’s currently popular.
● Douyin Mall (抖音商城): Douyin’s in-app e-commerce platform, which delivers a personalized shopping experience by recommending products based on user data and preferences.

🌍 Global Influence:

It is clear that ByteDance has significant international ambitions—and with great success. No other Chinese digital product has conquered the global market in the same way as TikTok, the international version of Douyin. In 2017, ByteDance acquired the app, which was already popular in the U.S. and Europe, in a strategic move to rapidly integrate TikTok into the Western market. Today, TikTok boasts over 1.5 billion users worldwide. However, the app’s global influence is not without controversy. TikTok has been banned in India, and since 2020, plans to ban it in the United States have repeatedly surfaced. TikTok sits at the center of geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China, symbolizing broader concerns about China’s growing technological power and influence.

📌 Important to know:

TikTok and Douyin are similar in many ways, but they are two separate apps. Douyin is not available in foreign app stores like Google Play or the international Apple Store, while TikTok is not available in Chinese app stores. The apps feature different content and different popular creators. Content moderation on the two platforms also differs significantly. Internationally, TikTok’s moderation follows practices similar to other global platforms, with rules on hate speech, harassment, nudity, and other forms of inappropriate content. In contrast, Douyin adheres to strict Chinese internet regulations and censorship laws, enforcing different and much broader rules on what can be posted. These differences, along with varying cultural norms and regulatory environments, have transformed Douyin and TikTok into two distinct platforms in terms of content and user experience.


3. Weibo (微博)

🚀 Launched: August 2009 by Sina

🀄 Chinese name: 微博 Wēibó, literally meaning “micro blog.”

💬 Tagline: 随时随地发现新鲜事
Discover new things anytime, anywhere

🔍 Weibo at a Glance:

Weibo launched in 2009 as a Chinese equivalent of Twitter but quickly evolved into much more—a uniquely Chinese, versatile, and dynamic platform where users follow celebrities, media influencers, and stay up to date on the latest news. Over the past fifteen years, Weibo has become China’s primary digital space for public discourse on unfolding events. Even today, despite a more decentralized social media landscape in China, Weibo remains China’s online ‘living room’ where people follow and discuss news and entertainment, and the platform still has about 580 million monthly active users. To learn all about Weibo’s journey, check out our detailed report here.

🔑 Some Key Features of Weibo:

● Follow (关注): Unlike friend-based systems like Facebook or WeChat Moments, Weibo operates on a follower-followee model: users can follow others without requiring mutual follow-backs. This also means that some celebrities, such as Xie Na (谢娜), have accumulated over 120 million followers throughout the years.
● Microblogging (发微博): The core feature of Weibo is posting short messages, which can include videos and images. Initially limited to 140 characters, users can now post up to 5,000 Chinese characters. If longer than that, users can change a post into a separate blog article.
● Hot Topics (微博热搜): Weibo provides trending topic lists, hashtags, and rankings of popular influencers across different categories—from general hot lists and headlines to more niche areas such as entertainment, gaming, movies, sports, and more. This feature helps users stay up to date with the latest trends in their fields of interest.
● Video (视频): A video-only feed curates hot videos based on algorithms, comparable to YouTube Shorts or TikTok.
● Super Topics (超级话题): These are niche communities dedicated to specific interests, similar to subreddits. (Read more here.)
● Private Messaging (消息): Weibo supports private direct messaging with group chat options.

🌍 Global Influence:

Weibo is not very international. Although the platform allows international users to register, only a limited number of countries can do so based on their phone numbers. Eligible countries include Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, India, the UK, USA, Spain, Italy, Germany, and a few others. Meanwhile, many countries are excluded—such as nearly all Northern European and African nations, along with most countries in South America. Despite these restrictions, Weibo remains a key platform for foreign entities engaged in China-focused marketing or diplomacy. As a result, most foreign embassies in China maintain official Weibo accounts, as do tourism bureaus, international brands, and major global celebrities, including actors, athletes, and DJs.

📌 Important to know:

Although trending topics on Weibo are often related to entertainment, society, and news events, Weibo is also highly Weibo-focused. Many of its trending topics originate on the platform itself—such as viral comments, new features or guidelines, celebrities’ posts, or Weibo-related events and contests (Weibo, as a company, frequently organizes and sponsors events ranging from entertainment to sports). This has created a distinct Weibo culture, more reminiscent of Western platforms like Reddit than X/Twitter or Facebook.


4. Tencent’s QQ (腾讯QQ)

🚀 Launched: February 1999 by Tencent

🀄 Chinese name: QQ: “Q” and “QQ” are also used for “cute.”

💬 Tagline: “轻松做自己”
Relax and be yourself

🔍 QQ at a Glance:

QQ has always been known as China’s most powerful instant messaging software. It is also one of China’s oldest social media platforms, and in many ways, its success paved the way for WeChat to thrive. Launched by Tencent in 1999 under the name OICQ, this instant messaging service was China’s counterpart to the Israeli software ICQ, developed in 1996 and later acquired by AOL. Following a lawsuit from AOL, Tencent rebranded the application as QQ. As the platform partnered with pager services and mobile communication companies, QQ was initially used on pagers, personal computers, and for SMS services. Over time, QQ evolved and is now primarily used on smart mobile devices. In 2005, Tencent introduced QZone (QQ空间), a social media platform integrated with QQ, where users can share updates, photos, videos, and more with friends.

For many people, QQ is a nostalgic part of their childhood—comparable to MSN Messenger in the West. As WeChat rose in popularity, many users migrated to it, particularly since Tencent made it easy to import all QQ contacts into WeChat. Despite this shift, QQ remains actively used, especially among young people and fans of ACG (anime, comics, and games), as well as older users who rely on it for work-related purposes such as file sharing and communication. In fact, according to Tencent’s 2024 financial report, QQ’s mobile monthly active users still reached 554 million, demonstrating its lasting influence in China’s social media landscape even after 25 years (Negro et al 2020; Yidong Huliangwang 2024)

🔑 Some Key Features of QQ:

● Messaging (消息): Text and voice messaging, voice and video calls, group chats, and customizable profile styles, chat decorations, and themes.
● Groups (QQ群): QQ Groups are like chatrooms for users with shared interests, managed and guided as community spaces.
● File Management/Online Storage (文件传输): Group file sharing, large file uploads, and permanent file storage—unlike WeChat, QQ stores files permanently and can handle larger files.
● Mail (QQ邮箱): An email service hosted by QQ.
● Wallet (QQ钱包): Top up phone credit, pay off credit card bills, and settle utility fees for water, electricity, and gas.
● Super QQ Show (QQ秀): A customizable avatar feature where users can dress up and design their online persona which can be used across QQ-related platforms, using accessories that can be purchased with QQ Coins (QQ币).
● QQ Games (QQ游戏): Access and play games directly within the app or through linked gaming platforms.

🌍 Global Influence:

QQ is very much a domestic app. It’s not particularly easy for foreigners to register either. If you use a foreign phone number, verification messages often fail to arrive, or the app may flag your number as “suspicious” or “not secure.” If you use a Chinese phone number, registration requires a Chinese name and ID number. While there are certainly foreigners on QQ, it’s clear that making the app more foreigner-friendly is not a priority for Tencent.

📌 Important to know:

Besides its file transfer feature, QQ’s group function is also quite popular, offering much larger group capacities compared to WeChat. QQ Groups cover a wide range of topics, from web novels to cryptocurrency, attracting communities of all kinds. Depending on the group type, VIP members can create groups with up to 2,000 members, while certified members can host groups with up to 5,000 members. In the past, QQ Groups have faced backlash for hosting vulgar or inappropriate content, leading to hefty fines for Tencent and increased moderation efforts.


5. Kuaishou (快手)

🚀 Launched: March 2011, but under different name (GIF快手) as a GIF-making tool.

🀄 Chinese name: 快手 Kuàishǒu, literally meaning “fast hand.” Its international name is “Kwai.”

💬 Tagline: 快手,拥抱每一种生活
Kuaishou, embracing every way of life

🔍 Kuaishou at a Glance:

China has many different apps for sharing videos and livestreaming, but Kuaishou holds a unique place in this crowded digital landscape. Why? Unlike most other popular social apps in China, Kuaishou’s content and user base are deeply rooted in the country’s smaller towns and rural areas—over 60% of its users come from rural communities. As a result, Kuaishou has become the go-to app for content related to authentic rural lifestyles and agriculture, setting it apart from apps like Douyin or Xiaohongshu, which primarily cater to urban, middle-class users in higher-tier cities (Ran 2024, 3). Kuaishou’s success story (the app has around 500 million monthly active users) reflects that of many other Chinese digital giants—it has evolved with the times, continuously adapting to user needs instead of following a cookie-cutter approach or a ready-made formula.

Launched in 2011 as a GIF-making tool during Weibo’s golden era, the platform later transformed into a short-video app.Founded by Su Hua (宿华) and Cheng Yixiao (程一笑), Kuaishou benefited from strong technical expertise. Before co-founding the platform, Su worked as a software engineer at both Google and Baidu. Kuaishou’s major mainstream breakthrough came in 2016, when it introduced livestreaming, which quickly became a core part of the platform. Since 2020, the platform has focused more on e-commerce and has integrated it into the app in various ways, making it an appealing option for rural merchants and aspiring influencers. By 2021, half of all rural creators on Kuaishou were generating income from the platform (Ran, 2024, 1).

🔑 Some Key Features of Kuaishou:

● Short Video Feed (短视频): Kuaishou’s main function is sharing and scrolling through short videos, covering everything from gaming and cooking to news events and memes. Through the app’s “Discovery” (发现) feature, you can find new creators and follow more people.
● Live Streaming (直播): Kuaishou offers a wide range of livestream channels available at all hours, from gaming to e-commerce, often blending shopping and entertainment.
● Special Filters: Like Douyin or Snapchat, Kuaishou provides a variety of video effects and templates so that users can post creative videos.
● Kuaishou Shop (快手小店): Kuaishou’s in-app e-commerce platform offers a wide selection of products, including household items, food, and cosmetics.
● Kuai Coins (快币): Kuaishou users can top up their accounts with ‘Kuai Coins’ (Kuaibi), the platform’s virtual currency. These can be used to purchase virtual gifts to support content creators or unlock paid content.

🌍 Global Influence:

Within mainland China, Kuaishou’s strength lies in its focus on second- and third-tier cities as well as rural areas, meaning it is not necessarily focused on expanding its global influence with this particular app. However, similar to the domestic vs. foreign approach of Douyin and TikTok, Kuaishou released an international version of its app called Kwai, though it did not achieve the same level of success as TikTok. Another Kuaishou product with a much greater international impact is its self-developed video generation model, Kling (可灵), also known as KLING AI. Initially, Kling started as a feature within Kuaishou’s video editing app, KuaiYing (快影), in China but was later launched internationally, gaining recognition as a powerful AI model and a possible alternative to OpenAI’s Sora.

📌 Important to know:

Kuaishou is known for increasing its market share by partnering up with other powerful platforms or brands. For example, the company has partnered with Chinese shopping/food delivery platform Meituan since 2021 in the local life services sector. For its e-commerce livestreaming, Kuaishou previously joined forces with To drive more traffic to its platform, Kuaishou also established partnerships for copyright and content with various international sports events, including the NBA and the UEFA Champions League, as well as the Tokyo and Paris Summer Olympics, along with the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou.


6. Bilibili (B站)

🚀 Launched: June 26, 2009 by Xu Yi (徐逸)

🀄 Chinese name: 哔哩哔哩 Bìlī Bìlī, doesn’t really mean anything but sounds cute and vibrant, like beep beep. Bilibili is more commonly referred to as “B站,” meaning “B-station.”

💬 Tagline: (゜-゜)つロ干杯~-bilibili
Cheers to Bilibili” [not literally, but that’s what this symbolic motto conveys]

🔍 Bilibili at a Glance:

Bilibili is China’s online home for fans of anime, comics, games (ACG), and technology. While the video streaming platform started as a niche community, it has since grown into one of the go-to video-sharing platforms for China’s Generation Z. Founder Xu Yi (徐逸) designed the earliest version as an improved alternative to existing video-sharing platforms, particularly the ACG hub ACfun (also known as A站, A-station). Although Bilibili remains heavily centered on anime, music, esports, and gaming culture, the platform now hosts a vast range of content, with creators covering topics such as culture, education, and social commentary. Bilibili allows both amateur and professional creators/channels to upload content, as well as producing in-house content, making it a diverse and dynamic platform where users can find everything from unpolished vlogs to Chinese anime series or BBC and History Channel documentaries. This has led to “B Station” becoming a versatile platform used by some 348 million users on a monthly basis. A unique aspect of Bilibili is its user engagement system. One way the platform helps maintain content quality is by requiring users to first answer a set of questions before posting comments and videos. Official members can also go through six membership levels, each unlocking various platform privileges, fostering a stronger sense of community and rewarding user engagement.

🔑 Some Key Features of Bilibili:

● Home of Video Streaming (首页): On Bilibili’s main page, users can explore the latest trending videos or discover new content across various categories, from anime series (番剧) to entertainment (娱乐) and music (音乐).
● Bullet Comments (弹幕评论): Bullet comments, or danmu, are real-time floating texts overlaid on videos, creating an interactive and communal viewing experience. Bilibili was the first Chinese platform to adopt this feature, which has since become its signature function.
● Livestreaming (直播): Users can browse Bilibili’s livestreaming rooms, where they’ll find a variety of live gaming streams, as well as study sessions, homework help, and other interactive content.
● Bilibili Game Center (游戏中心): A platform for game distribution, reviews, and gameplay videos, covering both mobile and PC gaming content.
● Bilibili Manga (哔哩哔哩漫画): A section dedicated to reading and discussing manga, including licensed and original works.
● Bilibili Classroom (哔哩哔哩公开课): Educational content featuring tutorials, lectures, and courses on a wide range of topics.
● Bilibili Shopping (会员购): An integrated e-commerce section where Bilibili members can purchase merchandise, anime goods, and other products related to content creators and the Bilibili platform.

🌍 Global Influence:

Since Bilibili is focused on ACG, it has some niche global appeal among those interested in anime, gaming, and East Asian pop culture. However, beyond these communities, its global influence remains quite limited. In addition to being primarily geared toward Chinese-speaking users, much of the platform’s content is also subject to copyright restrictions outside of China, making it difficult or even impossible for many international viewers to access professional channels on the site.

📌 Important to know:

Like Weibo, Bilibili is a company that focuses on building communities and fostering a unique “Bilibili Culture.” Since 2010, Bilibili has been the main initiator, host, and/or sponsor of various popular events, most famously its Bilibili Spring Festival Gala. Additionally, Bilibili actively contributes to the growth of the Chinese anime industry by financing and co-producing anime content while also making efforts to distribute Chinese anime globally.


7. Rednote/Xiaohongshu (小红书)

🚀 Launched: June 2013 by Charlwin Mao (毛文超) and Miranda Qu (瞿芳)

🀄 Chinese name: 小红书 Xiǎohóngshū, literally meaning “Little Red Book.”

💬 Tagline: 你的生活指南
Your Guide to Life

🔍 Xiaohongshu at a Glance:

Is it Xiaohongshu, Rednote, or RED? In China, there is actually only one name for this “little red app”: Xiaohongshu. The Shanghai-based platform began as an online international “shopping guide” where users posted independent reviews (videos, text, images) of luxury products and cosmetics they had purchased. Over time, it evolved into a broader lifestyle community focused on travel, fitness, fashion, and overseas experiences. As the app gained popularity, the products reviewed by users also started being distributed through the platform itself—flipping the traditional e-commerce model on its head. Instead of a shopping site with reviews, Xiaohongshu became a review site that seamlessly integrated e-commerce. “We don’t ask ourselves if we’re a social or a commerce company,” Xiaohongshu co-founder Charlwin Mao once said: “We ask, ‘what does the consumer want?’” (Rowan 2016).

By 2025, Xiaohongshu’s influence is undeniable. With over 300 million monthly active users, the majority of whom are young, urban, and female, it has become an essential part of China’s online ecosystem. What sets Xiaohongshu apart is its ability to blend genuine real-life experiences with online sharing and offline consumption, creating a truly unique digital space.

🔑 Some Key Features of Xiaohongshu:

● Discover (发现): the core function of Xiaohongsu is the personalized homepage (首页), where users can discover new user-generated content, either based on interest through data-driven algorithms, or based on location, giving an overview of content that was posted near to you.
● Post a Note (发布笔记): All users can create content Xiaohongshu and post either videos, images, text, writing reviews, sharing tips, or document experiences. In doing so, they can tag products and link directly to e-commerce listings.
● Shopping (购物): Xiaohngshu is both a social app and a shopping plaform: users can browse and buy products without leaving the app. The stores selling the products can also be ‘followed’ to stay in touch.
● Live Streaming (直播): Xiaohongshu has a livestream feed, where users can scroll through thousands of different livestreams happening simultaneously. These streams range from people singing and teaching English to selling products, cooking, or giving makeup tutorials.

🌍 Global Influence:

Since much of its content has always revolved around overseas shopping experiences, Xiaohongshu has been inherently global from the start, catering primarily to overseas Chinese users. As a result, the app has been available in foreign app stores and allowed international users to sign up. However, nobody expected Xiaohongshu to become a global sensation overnight in January 2025. With a potential TikTok ban looming in the U.S., millions of American TikTok users began seeking alternative platforms. The most notable destination for these users was Xiaohongshu/Rednote, which saw a massive influx of so-called “TikTok refugees” (TikTok难民). This sudden surge propelled Xiaohongshu to the #1 spot in app stores across the U.S. and beyond. The arrival of over three million foreign users marked an unprecedented milestone for a domestic Chinese app, bringing Xiaohongshu into the global spotlight. Though not all of these TikTok users may stay long-term, and TikTok wasn’t banned after all, the event cemented Rednote’s instant fame. In response, the platform has taken proactive steps to internationalize, including hiring foreign content moderators and launching a one-click translation feature for seamless cross-language interaction.

📌 Important to know:

Gender demographics inevitably play a role on all social media platforms, but this holds especially true for Xiaohongshu, as its user base is overwhelmingly female—approximately 80% of its users are women, while only about 20% are men. This is very different from platforms like Bilibili or Zhihu (which have more male users) or WeChat, where gender demographics are more balanced. Since the platform is targeted toward educated, wealthier, and predominantly female users, its content naturally reflects these demographics. When combined with its strong e-commerce aspect, Xiaohongshu stands out as a unique platform that is far more about lifestyle, shopping, and real-life experiences than it is about politics, economics, or news events.


8. Zhihu (知乎)

🚀 Launched: January 26 2011, with funding from, among others, Tencent and Sogou.

🀄 Chinese name: 知乎 Zhīhū, which is usually left untranslated, but with 知 (zhī) meaning knowledge and 乎 (hū) serving as a classical particle for a question or emphasis, the meaning could be loosely translated as “Do you know?”

💬 Tagline: 有问题,就会有答案
When there’s a question, there’s an answer

🔍 Zhihu at a Glance:

Zhihu is most commonly known as the Chinese version of the American question-and-answer website, Quora. While Quora was founded in 2009, Zhihu was launched in 2011 and has been growing steadily ever since. It is recognized for its relatively high-level discussions, often focusing on topics such as society, economy, business, history, law, and many other areas. Users can submit both questions and answers, with the best answers being upvoted and placed at the top of the thread. Some popular contributors have answered thousands of questions, with many responses resembling mini-essays. Zhihu has over 80 million monthly active users. Unlike many other Chinese social media platforms, it has a slight majority of male users (51.5%), with most of its users being highly educated. (Bao 2024, 1).

🔑 Some Key Features of Zhihu:

● Q&A: The core function of Zhihu is either posting a question (提个问题) or replying to a question (回答问题).
● Zhihu Homepage (首页): On the main homepage, users get an overview of recommended posts. They can also select from various categories—ranging from science to law—and view the most popular posts across different topics.
● Live Streaming (直播): Zhihu offers a livestreaming feature, where users can scroll through livestreams and post reactions or questions in real time.
● Zhihu Direct Answer (知乎直答): Zhihu has also introduced the “Zhihu Direct Answer” AI model, which integrates the DeepSeek-R1 model to allow users to ask questions and receive direct answers through a chatbot.
● Zhihu Podcast Square (播客广场): Zhihu’s opodcast squore’ is a place where Zhihu users can listen and subscribe to podcasts.

🌍 Global Influence:

Unlike many other Chinese apps, Zhihu is available on foreign app stores, such as Google Play, and allows users from a wide range of countries to sign up. Nevertheless, the platform remains primarily China-focused, with Chinese as the main language. While Zhihu is popular among overseas Chinese communities, it lacks significant global influence.

📌 Important to know:

In the AI era, where chatbots can quickly provide direct answers to almost any question, traditional question-and-answer platforms risk losing relevance. Zhihu, however, is using AI tools to its advantage by integrating an AI-powered search function and a DeepSeek-based chatbot to handle straightforward queries. By doing so, Zhihu is positioning itself as the go-to platform for reliable answers and diverse perspectives offered by both authentic users and AI.


9. Douban (豆瓣)

🚀 Launched: March 2005

🀄 Chinese name: 豆瓣 Dòu Bàn, literally means the “cotyledon of a bean” but the platform was actually named after a Beijing hutong (traditional alley) (Shen 2019).

💬 Tagline: 来豆瓣,记录你的书影音生活
Come to Douban, record your book, film & music life

🔍 Douban at a Glance:

Douban is China’s online home of books, music, movies, and more. The site has been around for two decades already, and thus was originally very much desktop-based. While Douban is primarily a review site, it has evolved into a vibrant online community of “Douban friends” (豆友们), where users can explore and discuss the latest films, connect with people who share similar interests, look up events, and seek advice on anything from work-related problems to love and relationships. Douban has approximately 60 million monthly active users and a much larger base of about 200 million registered users. Most importantly, it’s the go-to platform for checking the latest ratings and reviews on blockbuster movies and highly anticipated TV dramas.

🔑 Some Key Features of Douban:

● Movie Reviews and Ratings (豆瓣电影): ‘Douban Movie’ is one of Douban’s core features. Similar to IMDb, it enables users to explore reviews, blogs, and ratings for the latest films, discuss trending topics in the world of cinema, and search for the highest- or lowest-rated movies.
● Books and Music (豆瓣读书, 豆瓣音乐): In line with ‘Douban Movie,’ these sections offer similar functionalities for books and music, allowing users to post reviews and discover new titles or albums within their favorite genres.
● Groups and Forums (豆瓣小组): Douban Groups allow users to join or create communities centered on specific interests, such as hobbies, professions, or niche topics.
● Event Listings (同城活动): This feature helps users discover upcoming local events, from exhibitions and workshops to concerts and meetups.
● Douban Merchandise (豆瓣豆品): An online shop offering a range of unique products, including bookmarks, notebooks, sweaters, and umbrellas.

🌍 Global Influence:

Douban is open to international users, but with its community-driven approach, it remains heavily China-focused, particularly in its selection of books, movies, and event listings. In the English-language social media space, platforms like Goodreads, IMDb, and Reddit already offer many of the same functions as Douban.

📌 Important to know:

China has an incredibly vibrant TV drama industry. With so many new dramas released every month, many people rely on Douban ratings to decide which ones are worth watching and which they can skip.


10. Baidu Post Bar (百度贴吧)

🚀 Launched: December 2003 by Baidu

🀄 Chinese name: 百度贴吧 Bǎidù Tiēbā: Baidu Post Bar

💬 Tagline: 聊兴趣,上贴吧
Discuss interests, join Tieba

🔍 Baidu Tieba at a Glance:

Baidu Tieba is an online social media forum where users can explore various ‘bars’—online groups dedicated to specific topics. As a discussion platform divided into thousands of communities, it is somewhat similar to the American platform Reddit. On Baidu Tieba, people can follow and participate in all kinds of groups, from Beijing-focused ones to parenting groups, specific film and arts groups, or those dedicated to tech or business. There are thousands, even millions, of different topic boards to explore, with each ‘bar’ forming its own community.

In its heyday, Baidu Tieba had around 500 million monthly active users, but this number has decreased over the years. In 2021, there were reportedly only about 37 million monthly active users left (Sanyi Shenghuo). In China’s current social media era, Baidu Tieba might not have done enough to compete with newer and more innovative platforms. Although other platforms, such as the Chinese video livestreaming services Huya (虎牙) or YY (YY直播), likely have a stronger presence in terms of active users, Baidu Tieba remains more well-known because it has been around for so long and has become a household name when it comes to China’s internet.

🔑 Some Key Features of Baidu Tieba:

● Topic-Based Communities (贴吧): The core function of Baidu Tieba is its tieba (贴吧), which are topic boards or discussion-based communities. On the main page, users can explore trending topics across various major communities.
● Live Streaming (直播): Baidu Tieba also features a livestreaming function, allowing users to explore various ongoing livestreams. Many streamers broadcast simultaneously across multiple platforms to maximize their earnings through virtual gifts and monetization.
● Chat Rooms (聊天频道): Baidu Tieba’s communities include dedicated chat channels where members can engage in direct conversations.
● Topic Moderators (吧主): Each topic board has its own moderators (吧主), who are responsible for managing discussions and moderating content within the community.
● AI Square (AI广场): AI Square (AI广场) is a feature within Baidu Tieba that integrates AI-driven interactions across different topic boards. For example, in the parenting community, users can chat with AI-generated “mothers” to seek advice on child-rearing, feeding babies, and other parenting topics.

🌍 Global Influence:

Baidu Tieba is aimed at domestic audiences. Although Baidu as a company has global ambitions and international influence, its worldwide efforts do not extend to Baidu Tieba, which remains a classic representation of China’s Web 2.0 era.

📌 Important to know:

Baidu Tieba is an important part of China’s internet history. Many of the country’s most famous viral trends and memes from the 2005–2010 era originated on Baidu Tieba, which became an influential platform due to its decentralized structure—managed by communities rather than a central authority. Words like “diaosi” (屌丝, loser) and “tuhao” (土豪, filthy rich), both of which remain widely used today, first gained popularity on Baidu Tieba. Although Baidu Tieba has lost its relevance as a leading platform for online discussions in China, its impact on the country’s internet culture continues to this day (Edward Shuo 2024).

By Manya Koetse

(follow on X, LinkedIn, or Instagram)


◾ Brennan, Matthew. 2020. Attention Factory: The Story of TikTok and China’s ByteDance. ChinaChannel.

◾ Edward Shuo/Edward说. 2024. “Baidu Tieba from Glory to Decline: Robin Li Abandoned Baidu Tieba [百度贴吧辉煌到没落,李彦宏放弃百度贴吧].” QQ News, August 26. Accessed February 18, 2025.

◾ Ghose, Ronit. 2024. Future Money: Fintech, AI, and Web3. London: Kogan Page.

◾ Negro, Gianluigi, Gabriele Balbi and Paolo Bory. 2020. “The Path to WeChat: How Tencent’s Culture Shaped the Most Popular Chinese App, 1998–2011.” Global Media and Communication 16 (2): 208-226.

◾ Yidong Huliangwang 移动互联网. 2024. “Why Are So Many People Still Using QQ [为什么还有那么多人在用QQ]?” Tencent Research Institute 腾讯研究院, March 27. Accessed February 13, 2025.

◾ Ran Xi. 2024. “Rural Chinese Youth on Kuaishou: Performing Gender, Labor, and Rurality.” Journal of Youth Studies, August 19.

◾ Rowan, David. 2016. “China’s $1bn Shopping App Turns Everyone Into Trendspotters.” WIRED Magazine, April. Accessed February 19.

◾ Sanyi Shenghuo 三易生活. 2021. “Baidu Tieba’s User Loss of Nearly 90% in Five Years? The Past Is Gone, Let’s Look at Today—Is Baidu Tieba Exiting the Historical Stage? [百度贴吧五年用户流失近九成?前浪已过且看今朝——百度贴吧要退出历史舞台了吗?]” Jiemian, October 29. Accessed February 18, 2025.

◾ Shen, Xinmei. 2019. “How Douban Went from China’s IMDB to Its ‘Spiritual Corner’.” South China Morning Post, October 15. Accessed February 16, 2025.

◾ Su, Chunmeizi. 2024. Douyin, TikTok and China’s Online Screen Industry: The Rise of Short-Video Platforms. London & New York: Routledge.

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From “Public Megaphone” to “National Watercooler”: Casper Wichmann on Weibo’s Role in Digital China

With Weibo now 15 years old, we asked Sinologist Wichmann about its evolving role in shaping public opinion, its key moments, and whether it can remain a major platform for public discourse in China’s increasingly crowded digital landscape.




Over the years, Weibo has undergone significant changes in both its political and social functions. Sinologist and China correspondent Casper Wichmann explored Weibo extensively in his academic research during the platform’s early years. Now, he reflects on its evolution and current role in China’s digital landscape.

Over the past fifteen years, the Chinese social media platform Weibo has been a popular and extensively studied subject in academic research, inspiring countless studies across various disciplines.

In the initial years after the founding of Weibo (read all about Weibo’s founding in this deep dive), Danish Sinologist and China correspondent Casper Wichmann, focused on Chinese digital platforms, dedicated his MA research to studying Sina Weibo as a new public sphere on the Chinese internet. Now that more than a decade has passed, it’s time to reflect on how Weibo has changed and why this matters.

Before Casper shares his observation, some key points from his thesis “Sina Weibo as New Public Sphere.” (For those interested, here is a link to the pdf):

➡️ Wichmann’s thesis (2012) analyzed how the Chinese microblogging platform Sina Weibo serves as a “public sphere” in China, providing a new space for citizens to share information and voice public opinion. Using frameworks like Jürgen Habermas’ theory of the public sphere, Johan Lagerkvist’s concept of ideotainment (blending Party propaganda with entertainment to build legitimacy), and Andrew Mertha’s fragmented authoritarianism (how political pluralization affects policy in China), the thesis explored how Sina Weibo functions as an independent media platform while working alongside traditional media. It examined how public opinion is formed on the platform and the significant influence of both traditional media and the Chinese Party-State.

➡️ The Party-State’s relationship with Sina Weibo is complex, balancing censorship with strategic allowances to monitor public opinion, address corruption, and maintain its legitimacy. Through case studies like the Wenzhou train crash and the Bo Xilai scandal, the thesis illustrated how Sina Weibo can amplify public opinion while also showcasing the Party-State’s ultimate control over discourse.

➡️ While Sina Weibo enables public engagement and amplifies citizens’ voices, Wichmann concluded that its role as a public sphere is limited or “incomplete” due to censorship by the Chinese Party-State, which also hape discourse, use the platform for propaganda, and influences its operations and moderation.

➡️ Wichmann predicted that Sina Weibo would increasingly become a “battlefield of public opinion,” where Chinese citizens and the Party-State would compete to control narratives and influence within this digital space.

With Weibo now 15 years old, we asked Wichmann about three things:
📌 Weibo’s evolving role in shaping public opinion: Has it become more or less effective, and has its social impact shifted? Which news stories highlight Weibo’s continued relevance or its changing influence?
📌 Changing government strategies on the Weibo platform: What pivotal moments stand out when Weibo emerged as a political tool?
📌 Weibo’s present & future in a crowded digital landscape: Can it still compete as a major platform for public discourse, or is it transitioning into a new role altogether?


Casper Wichmann

Sinologist, China Correspondent

Casper Wichmann is a Danish Sinologist with an MA degree in China studies from the University of Copenhagen. He wrote his MA thesis on Sina Weibo in 2012 and has especially had an interest in Chinese politics, tech and social media, among many other topics. Since 2023 he has been based in Beijing as the Asia & China correspondent for Danish news media, TV 2 Denmark.

Since 2023 he has been based in Beijing as the Asia & China correspondent for Danish news media, TV 2 Denmark.

📌Weibo’s Role in Shaping Public Opinion

“15 years is a very long time anywhere in the world, but particularly so in China. If you look at how the country has changed as a whole in those past years, it is inevitable that Weibo has also transformed.

One of the biggest things is of course censorship.

I worked on my thesis in the first half of 2012 and handed it in early September that year, and a lot was happening at the time when it comes to China’s online developments. I remember that I even wrote a disclaimer in the very beginning that the whole paper might be obsolete at the time of reading, because you had a sense of where the Chinese government were moving in terms of control.

As it turned out, the government started cracking down on the influential Weibo accounts (‘大Vs’ – big, verified accounts) not long after, and also introduced laws to stop the spread of rumors. This, in turn, also paved the way for WeChat’s rise to prominence. You now have a lot of different platforms and apps on the internet in China for debate and shaping public opinion.


“I still believe that you cannot overlook or understate Weibo’s role as the ‘watercooler’ of China.”


That said, I still believe that you cannot overlook or understate Weibo’s role as the ‘watercooler’ of China where everybody comes together to talk about current affairs.

In my thesis, I argued that Sina Weibo could be seen as a Habermasian public sphere—an incomplete one—where Chinese citizens can come together and, to a large extent, freely debate information and public opinion. Even though the censorship regime has become far more effective and sophisticated, coupled with increased self-censorship, I still think that conclusion holds true 15 years after Weibo’s launch.

It is an open platform—censorship and control aside—where everyone can read, participate in conversations, and share information with the click of a button. This is clearly demonstrated by the way What’s on Weibo has highlighted many important topics over the years that sparked national debates thanks to Weibo. Additionally, can any foreign brand aiming to succeed in the Chinese market afford to completely ignore Weibo? That would be unthinkable!


“Foreign brands can quickly find themselves caught in massive controversies because Weibo still acts as a public megaphone”


In terms of its effectiveness in shaping public opinion, I think that depends on how we look at it. For instance, foreign brands can quickly find themselves caught in massive controversies because Weibo still acts as a public megaphone. Just think of the scandals involving Dolce & Gabbana (2018), H&M (2021), or Dior (2022), to name a few.

Still from the promotional D&G video that was deemed racist in China, causing major controversy in 2018 (whatsonweibo).  

There are also examples like the Tianjin explosion in 2015, which quickly became national news and sparked public debate, largely thanks to Weibo—despite the aforementioned censorship measures.

The enormous Tianjin explosions took place on August 12, injuring hundreds of people. Many people only learnt of the news through social media rather than traditional news outlets, which initially did not report the blasts.

Another example is the tragic death of Dr. Li Wenliang, the COVID-19 whistleblower, where netizens mourned his passing while venting their frustrations on Weibo.

Lastly, the spread of the “Voices of April” video—a compilation of real audio snippets capturing Shanghai residents’ struggles during the Covid crisis in April 2022—is another notable example of Chinese netizens overwhelming censorship by reaching critical mass. While this occurred across various platforms, Weibo played a key role due to its nature as a public space for discussion.

All in all, Weibo is still a very important and effective platform on the Internet in China for public discussions, debates, and shaping public opinion. However, it is also up against a censorship regime that has evolved and continues to evolve alongside it. That said, one should never underestimate the creativity of Chinese netizens.”

📌Government Strategies and Control on Weibo

“In the early years of Weibo, some Chinese politicians and overseers found use of Weibo as a political tool. A specific example I included in my thesis was the drama surrounding the political downfall of Bo Xilai, then party secretary of Chongqing and a rising princeling within the Party, and the Wang Lijun scandal.

There seemed to be considerable evidence that netizens on Weibo were allowed for a long time to criticize and slander Bo Xilai before censorship eventually stepped in. There is no doubt that this made it easier for the Party leadership to oust Bo Xilai following the high-profile corruption case.


“As a tool to gauge public opinion, Weibo also enables authorities to monitor potential issues and nip them in the bud before they escalate into major problems”


I also think that Weibo’s importance as a tool for the Chinese government to gauge public opinion and sentiment should not be underestimated. It enables authorities to monitor potential issues and nip them in the bud before they escalate into major problems. It also facilitates public scrutiny of lower-level officials and governance within the Chinese system (舆论监督 yúlùn jiāndū, “supervision by public opinion”, also see CMP).

Bo Xilai during his trial.

Another important point is that the government and Party seem to have learned that it is often safer to let people debate, complain, and vent online, as it can give them a sense of being heard and allow them to release frustrations without escalating into physical demonstrations. Of course, there are exceptions where such online discourse also leads to physical protests.

There is also the aspect of how long Chinese netizens can maintain focus on a specific topic. For example, the Tianjin explosion I mentioned earlier quickly became a national debate, but over time it shifted back to being a local issue as Weibo users moved on to other topics. I have no doubt that the Chinese government has increasingly learned to use this dynamic to their advantage. It would be fascinating to study which types of topics reach the top trending lists, how long they stay there, how they are censored, and what topics eventually replace them.”

📌Weibo’s Business and China’s Competitive Digital Landscape

“It really says a lot about Weibo that it has managed to remain significant in China’s digital landscape, even after the rise of other major platforms, including WeChat, and despite the strict regulations and major crackdowns on the platform.

For example, WeChat experienced a surge in active users after the 2012 crackdown, as many felt Weibo had become boring due to key opinion leaders being increasingly cautious of censorship.


“Platforms in China are competing to capture as much of Chinese netizens’ time and attention as possible.”


Nowadays, there is a growing number of newer and more exciting apps and platforms in China, all competing to capture as many hours, minutes, and seconds of Chinese netizens’ attention as possible. However, I believe Weibo’s unique usage and role in the digital ecosystem are hard to replicate.

To reiterate, the platform’s “national watercooler” aspect—where everyone can check in, get a sense of what the rest of the country is talking about, and join the conversation themselves—should not be underestimated.

That said, Weibo still needs to consistently provide a service and product that Chinese users feel offers them real value. If it can continue to do so, I don’t see Weibo becoming irrelevant anytime soon.”🔚

To read more about the evolution of Weibo, also read: “15 Years of Weibo: The Evolution of China’s Social Media Giant

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