A small and practical social security topic goes trending when major hashtags about welfare protests are censored.
Shanghai is seeing a record number of people flying off to other countries: "We've been held back for three years, we wanna get out & play."
On Chinese social media, the Chinese balloon is seen as a weather device that ended up measuring the temperature of China-US relations.
The Chinese balloon incident is also referred to as the "Wandering Balloon" on social media at a time when 'Wandering Earth II' is trending.
These are the most important details shared during the 2.2.23 press conference on the disappearance and death of Hu Xinyu.
Although Hu Xinyu's school had 119 cameras, his disappearance remained a mystery for 106 days. Near Hu's remains, a voice recorder was found.
The first day after the Spring Festival holiday is a busy one at the Bureau of Civil Affairs as couples are lining up to register a...
Another year, another drop in birth rates: according to the latest statistics, China's 2022 saw more deaths than births.
Even though experts suggest that natural food remedies won't prevent or cure Covid, Chinese netizens believe in the power of peaches.
Chinese media praise the sacrifice, selflessness, and dedication of doctors and nurses working on the frontline during the Covid-19 outbreak.
From being creative to mutual aid platforms, Chinese netizens share multiple ways to get medicine to relieve Covid-19 symptoms.
Oh dear, what a year. Here's an overview of the 26 biggest trending topics on Chinese social media in 2022.
China’s Covid-19 Vocabulary: a glossary of key terms that matter in China’s Covid era, from start to end [premium content].
Having Covid at home is a novel concept in 'zero Covid' China. To go to the hospital or not? That's the question.
"For three years, I was able to guard my green horse," some said after many places in China have now stopped checking Health Code apps.
Bus and subway operators in Beijing will no longer refuse entry to passengers without a 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate.
Since the rise of Chinese social media, Jiang Zemin became a recurring part of Chinese memes.
As people in Beijing, Shanghai, and other places take to the streets holding up white papers, some have dubbed this the "A4 Revolution."
In Shanghai, people paid tribute to the victims of the Ulumqi fire by lighting candles, and also found other ways to vent their frustrations.
"Tonight is the night when students are flooding the internet," some on Weibo said during a dark night filled with students' bright lights.