Trending Topic of July 30, 2014: Besides the big news about the formal investigation into China's former security chief Zhou Yongkang, there are more mundane topics...
Trending topic of July 29, 2014: Students and netizens collectively protest the dismissal of one female teacher at Tsinghua University, turning it into a top trending...
In the days following the MH17 crash, the Russian Embassy in China posted various comments on its official Weibo account with updates and reaction to the...
"Jumei suspected of sellings counterfeit products". Another counterfeit scandal has made the headlines in China.
Weibo’s top trending topic of the day is a chart of Chinese cities where men are considered to be under their wife’s thumb the most. China’s...
The crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has led to much speculation on Weibo on who is responsible. Chinese website The Observer (观察者 Guanchazhe) writes: “Russia...
Sina Weibo netizens are feverishly discussing a soccer match that took place Wednesday (23rd of July) during The 14th Beijing Sport Competition between Beijing’s Haidian and...
After recent tragic news of the MH17 crash in the Ukrain, rising death tolls in Gaza and the Transasia crash in Taiwan, the trending topic of...
What’s on Weibo is undergoing a complete make-over to make the site more user-friendly, responsive and organized for you. The new site will include this blog...
China's Internet celebrity Guo Mei Mei was arrested for World Cup Gambling in Beijing on July 10, 2014. A bit more on the world behind sport...
A new catchprase “Do you know who my dad is?” has gone viral on Weibo and the Chinese Internet.
It is commonly known that 1989 Tiananmen is forgotten in Chinese history books, but what is actually described instead?
What's WeChat? A Short Guide to China's Super App. WeChat currently is China’s most popular smartphone application, and it is winning over consumers within the mobile...
Begging has been a social problem in China for decades. The recent anti-vice crackdown in Dongguan has unexpectedly directed netizens' attention to the problem of forced...
Live blog on the The Hague Conference on the Chinese Media on May 15th, at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael.