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Weibo Watch: The Great Squat vs Sitting Toilet Debate in ChinašŸ§»

This week, the Catch-22 of sitting versus squat toilets sparked heated discussion on Weibo after a Beijing News article exposed the messy reality of sitting toilets in Beijing malls.

Manya Koetse





Dear Reader,


Shoe prints on top of the toilet seat are never a pretty sight. To prevent people from squatting over Western-style sitting toilets, there are some places that will place stickers above the toilet, reminding people that standing on the seat is strictly forbidden.

For years, this problem has sparked debate. Initially, these discussions would mostly take place outside of China, in places with a large number of Chinese tourists. In Switzerland, for example, the famous Rigi Railways caused controversy for introducing separate trains with special signs explaining to tourists, especially from China, how (not) to use the toilet.

Squat toilets are common across public areas in China, especially in rural regions, for a mix of historical, cultural, and practical reasons. There is also a long-held belief ā€” backed by studies (like here or here) ā€” that the squatting position is healthier for bowel movements (for more about the history of squat toilets in China, see Sixth Tone’s insightful article here).

Public squatting toilets in Beijing, images via Xiaohongshu.

Without access to the ground-level squat toilets they are used to ā€” and feel more comfortable with ā€” some people will climb on top of sitting toilets to use them in the way they’re accustomed to, seeing squatting as the more natural and hygienic method.

Not only does this make the toilet seat all messy and muddy, it is also quite a dangerous stunt to pull, can break the toilet, and lead to pee and poo going into all kinds of unintended directions. Quite shitty.

Squatting on toilets makes the seat dirty and can even break the toilet.

Along with the rapid modernization of Chinese public facilities and the country’s “Toilet Revolution” over the past decade, sitting toilets have become more common in urban areas, and thus the sitting-toilet-used-as-squat-toilet problem is increasingly becoming topic of public debate within China.


The Toilet Committee and Preference for Sitting Toilets


Is China slowly shifting to sitting toilets? Especially in modern malls in cities like Beijing, or even at airports, you see an increasing number of Western-style sitting toilets (坐厕) rather than squatting toilets (č¹²åŽ•).

This shift is due to several factors:

šŸš½šŸ“Œ First, one major reason for the rise in sitting toilets in Chinese public places is to accommodate (foreign) tourists.

In 2015, China Daily reported that one of the most common complaints among international visitors was the poor condition of public toilets ā€” a serious issue considering tourists are estimated to use public restrooms over 27 billion times per year.

That same year, Chinaā€™s so-called “Toilet Revolution” (åŽ•ę‰€é©å‘½) began gaining momentum. While not a centralized campaign, it marked a nationwide push to upgrade toilets across the country and improve sanitation systems to make them cleaner, safer, and more modern.

This movement was largely led by the tourism sector, with the needs of both domestic and international travelers in mind. These efforts, and the buzzword “Toilet Revolution,” especially gained attention when Xi Jinping publicly endorsed the campaign and connected it to promoting civilized tourism.

In that sense, China’s toilet revolution is also a ā€œtourism toilet revolutionā€ (ꗅęøøåŽ•ę‰€é©å‘½), part of improving not just hygiene, but the national image presented to the world (Cheng et al. 2018; Li 2015).

šŸš½šŸ“Œ Second, the growing number of sitting toilets in malls and other (semi)public spaces in Beijing relates to the idea that Western-style toilets are more sanitary.

Although various studies comparing the benefits of squatting and sitting toilets show mixed outcomes, sitting toilets ā€” especially in shared restrooms ā€” are generally considered more hygienic as they release fewer airborne germs after flushing and reduce the risk of infection (Ali 2022).

There are additional reasons why sitting toilets are favored in new toilet designs. According to Liang Ji (ę¢éŖ„), vice-secretary of the Toilet Committee of the China Urban Environmental Sanitation Association (äø­å›½åŸŽåø‚ēŽÆ境卫ē”Ÿåä¼šåŽ•ę‰€äø“äøšå§”员会), sitting toilets are also increasingly being introduced in public spaces due to practical concerns.

šŸš½šŸ“Œ Squatting is not always easy, and can pose a safety risk, particularly for the elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities.

šŸš½šŸ“Œ Then there are economic reasons: building squat toilets in malls (or elsewhere) requires a deeper floor design due to the sunken space needed below the fixture, which increases both construction time and cost.

šŸš½šŸ“Œ Liang also points to an aesthetic factor: sitting toilets simply look more “high-end” and are easier to clean, which is why many consumer-oriented spaces prefer to install Western-style toilets.

So although there are plenty of reasons why sitting toilets are becoming a norm in newly built public spaces and trendy malls, they also lead to footprints on toilet seats ā€” and all the problems that come with it.


The Catch 22 of Sitting vs Squad Toilets


This week, the issue became a trending topic on Weibo after Beijing News published an investigative report on it. The report suggested that most shopping malls in Beijing now have restrooms with sitting toilets, which should, in theory, be cleaner than the squat toilets of the past ā€” but in reality, theyā€™re often dirtier because people stand on them. This issue is more common in womenā€™s restrooms, as menā€™s restrooms typically include urinals.

In researching the issue, a reporter visited several Beijing malls. In one womenā€™s restroom, the reporter observed 23 people entering within five minutes. Although the restroom had only three squat toilets versus seven sitting ones, around 70% of the users opted for the squat toilets.

Upon inspection, most of the seven sitting toilets were dirty ā€” despite being equipped with disposable seat covers ā€” showing clear signs of urine stains and footprints. They found that sitting toilets being used as squat toilets is extremely common.

It’s a bit of a Catch-22. People generally prefer clean toilets, and there’s also a widespread preference for squat toilets. This leads to sitting toilets being used as squat toilets, which makes them dirty ā€” reinforcing the preference for squat toilets, since the sitting toilets, though meant to be cleaner, end up dirtier.

In interviews with 20 women, nearly 80% said they either hover in a squat or directly squat on the toilet seat. One woman said, ā€œI wonā€™t sit unless I absolutely have to.ā€ While some of those quoted in the article said that sitting toilets are more comfortable, especially for elderly people, they are still not preferred when the seats are not clean.

In the Beijing News article, the Toilet Committeeā€™s Liang Ji suggested that while a balanced ratio of squat and sitting toilets is necessary, a gradual shift toward sitting toilets is likely the future for public restrooms in China.

How NOT to use the sitting toilet. Sign photographed by Xiaohongshu user

Liang also highlighted the importance of correct toilet use and the need to consider public habits in toilet design.


In Squatting We Trust


On Chinese social media, however, the majority of commenters support squatting toilets. One popular comment said:

šŸ’¬ “Please make all public toilets squat toilets, with just one sitting toilet reserved for people with disabilities.”

Squatting toilets in a public toilet in a Beijing hutong area, image by Xiaohongshu user @00åŽé„­ę”¶.

The preference for squatting, however, doesnā€™t always come down to bowel movements or tradition. Many cite a lack of trust in how others use public toilets:

šŸ’¬ “When it comes to things for public use, it’s best to reduce touching them directly. Honestly, I don’t trust other people…”

šŸ’¬ “Squatting is the most hygienic. At least I don’t have to worry about touching something others touched with their skin.”

šŸ’¬ “I hate it when all the toilets in the womenā€™s restroom at the mall are sitting toilets. Iā€™m almost mastering the art of doing the martial-arts squat (č¹²é©¬ę­„).”

Others view the gradual shift toward sitting toilets as a result of Westernization:

šŸ’¬ “Sitting toilets are a product of widespread ‘Westernization’ back in the day ā€” the further south you go, the worse it gets.”

But some come to the defense of sitting toilets:

šŸ’¬ “Are there really still people who think squat toilets are cleaner? The chances of stepping in poop with squat toilets are way higher than with sitting ones. Sitting toilet seats can be wiped with disinfectant or covered with paper. Some people only care about keeping themselves ‘clean’ without thinking about whether the next person might end up stepping in their mess.”

šŸ’¬ One reply bluntly said: “I donā€™t use sitting toilets. If thatā€™s all there is, Iā€™ll just squat on top of it. Not even gonna bother wiping it.”

Itā€™s clear this debate is far from over, and the issue of people standing on toilet seats isnā€™t going away anytime soon. As Chinaā€™s toilet revolution continues, various Toilet Committees across the country may need to rethink their strategies ā€” especially if they continue leaning toward installing more sitting toilets in public spaces.

As always, Taobao has a solution. For just 50 RMB (~$6.70), you can order an anti-slip sitting-to-squatting toilet aid through the popular e-commerce platform.

The Taobao solution.

For Chinese malls, offering these might be cheaper than dealing with broken toilets and the never-ending battle against footprints on toilet seats…




Ali, Wajid, Dong-zi An, Ya-fei Yang, Bei-bei Cui, Jia-xin Ma, Hao Zhu, Ming Li, Xiao-Jun Ai, and Cheng Yan. 2022. “Comparing Bioaerosol Emission after Flushing in Squat and Bidet Toilets: Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Defecation and Hand Washing Postures.” Building and Environment 221: 109284.

Bhattacharya, Sudip, Vijay Kumar Chattu, and Amarjeet Singh. 2019. “Health Promotion and Prevention of Bowel Disorders Through Toilet Designs: A Myth or Reality?” Journal of Education and Health Promotion 8 (40).

Cao, Jingrui ę›¹ę™¶ē‘ž, and Tian Jiexiong ē”°ę°é›„. 2025. “城åø‚å¾®č°ƒęŸ„ļ½œå•†åœŗ儳卫ē”Ÿé—“ļ¼ŒååŽ•äøŗ何频频变ā€œč¹²å‘ā€ļ¼Ÿ [In Shopping Mall Womenā€™s Restrooms, Why Do Sitting Toilets Frequently Turn into ‘Squat Toilets’?]” Beijing News, March 20. Accessed March 19, 2025.

Cheng, Shikun, Zifu Li, Sayed Mohammad Nazim Uddin, Heinz-Peter Mang, Xiaoqin Zhou, Jian Zhang, Lei Zheng, and Lingling Zhang. 2018. “Toilet Revolution in China.” Journal of Environmental Management 216: 347ā€“356.

Dai, Wangyun. 2018. “Seats, Squats, and Leaves: A Brief History of Chinese Toilets.” Sixth Tone, January 13. Accessed March 22, 2025.

Li, Jinzao. 2015. “Toilet Revolution for Tourism Evolution.” China Daily, April 7. Accessed March 22, 2025.


What’s on Weibo Chapters

In case you missed it in our earlier newsletter, we recently published the article “US-Russia Rapprochement and ‘Saint Zelensky’: Chinese Online Reactions to Trumpā€™s Shake-Up” as part of our Whatā€™s on Weibo Chapters. For more insights into how the war is discussed on Chinese social media, you can catch up here.

Stay tuned ā€” weā€™re publishing another article on this topic later this week, exploring the unexpected connection between the Russia-Ukraine war and Chinese cosplayers.


What’s Trending

A recap of hot hashtags and online discussions

šŸ Chinese Netizens Turn to Tim Cook Over Factory’s Illegal Overtime

Netizens have recently started reaching out to Apple and its CEO Tim Cook in order to put pressure on a Chinese battery factory accused of violating labor laws. The controversy involves the Huizhou factory of Desay Battery (å¾·čµ›ē”µę± ), known for producing lithium batteries for the high-end smartphone market, including Apple and Samsung. The factory caught netizens’ attention after a worker exposed in a video that his superiors were deducting three days of wages because he worked an 8-hour shift instead of the company’s “mandatory 10-hour on-duty.” Compulsory overtime violates China’s labor laws.

In response, the worker and other netizens started to let Apple know about the situation through email and social media, trying to put pressure on the factory by highlighting its position in the Apple supply chain. By now, Desay Battery issued an official statement, admitting to “management oversights regarding employee rights protection” (“äæéšœå‘˜å·„ꝃē›Šēš„ē®”ē†äøŠå­˜åœØē–ę¼”) and promising to do better in safeguarding employee rights.

It’s an interesting story, and some commentators suggest that it shows that Chinese workers can effectively expose labor violations by reporting them to Western suppliers or EU regulators. But opinions vary. Others are less optimistic about the effectiveness, arguing that companies like Apple would be quick to drop suppliers over product quality issues but more willing to turn a blind eye to labor violationsā€”since cheap labor remains a key competitive advantage in Chinese manufacturing.

šŸ’ø From Patriotic Influencer to Tax Evader: Sima Nan Fined More Than Nine Million Yuan

China’s well-known nationalist blogger Sima Nan (åø马南) became a trending topic on Friday after being hit with a 9 million RMB ($1.2 million) fine for tax evasion. According to state media, from 2019 to 2023, he underpaid millions of yuan in personal income tax and other taxes by concealing income and submitting false declarations.

Sima responded to media, saying he fully admits guilt. At the same time he’s also blaming the multi-channel network that allegedly was in charge of paying taxes on his behalf at the time.

šŸ“Œ Noteworthy: Sima Nan promised that- if he’ll still be allowed to have his social media presence – he would in detail explain how he ended up becoming a tax evader. This is kind of funny, because it shows just how good he is in what he does, turning his PR crisis into an opportunity for clicks and views šŸ“ˆ (yes we do want to know how he went from patriotic influencer to becoming a multi-million tax dodger).

šŸ“ŒPublic reaction: The most recurring comments I’ve seen on Weibo is that people are amazed at his high income. They note the hypocrisy of a nationalist, patriotic influencer who’s always preaching truth & justice evading taxes himself, and also conclude that being a nationalist is truly a money-making businessšŸ¤‘šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³

šŸ’” Tragedy at Hubei University: Zhang Yuzhenā€™s Disappearance and Aftermath

The disappearance of 19-year-old Chinese student Zhang Yuzhen (å¼ é’°č‡») has captured nationwide attention this week. Zhang did not return after leaving her campus at Hubei University around 5 p.m. on March 15. Her phone remained traceable until 5:54 p.m., about one kilometer from campus. The case became a hot topic as millions of netizens turned into online sleuths, searching for clues that might lead to Zhangā€™s whereabouts.

On the afternoon of March 20, it was reported that Zhangā€™s personal items ā€” including her keys and glasses ā€” were discovered by a passerby next to a lake near the university. Police then began searching the lake. By that evening, her remains were found. The case is still under investigation.

There has been some online criticism regarding how the university handled Zhangā€™s disappearance. Although she was last seen on March 15, it wasnā€™t until March 18 that her parents were notified by a school counselor. They then reported her missing to the police, after which the school began cooperating with the investigation.

Now, there is also much discussion surrounding the behavior of Zhangā€™s mother, who has been publicly expressing her grief and anger on Douyin. After learning of her daughterā€™s death, she became emotionally distraught ā€” screaming, crying, and demanding answers. She seemingly caused some public disturbance when she was prevented from immediately seeing her daughterā€™s remains, and was also not allowed to leave her hotel (perhaps due to concerns over her emotional state, though details remain unclear at this time). While some online voices have criticized her behavior, many are calling for empathy, arguing that any mother who has just lost her child would be desperate and distraught.


Whatā€™s Noteworthy

Small news with big impact

“The world is so big, I want to go out and see it” (ShƬjiĆØ nĆ me dĆ , wĒ’ xiĒŽng qĆ¹ kĆ nkan “äø–ē•Œé‚£ä¹ˆå¤§ļ¼Œęˆ‘ęƒ³åŽ»ēœ‹ēœ‹”).

This ten-character sentence became part of China’s collective social media memory after a teacher’s resignation note went viral in 2015. Now, a decade later, the phrase has gone viral once again.

In April 2015, the phrase caused a huge buzz on Chinaā€™s social media when the female teacher Gu Shaoqiang (锾少å¼ŗ) at Zhengzhou’s Henan Experimental High School resigned from her job. Working as a psychology teacher for 11 years, she gave a class in which she made students write a letter to their future self. The exercise made her realize that she, too, wanted more from life. Despite having little savings, she submitted a simple resignation note that read: “The world is so big, I want to go out and see it.”

The resignation letter was approved, and she posted it to social media.

The letter resonated with millions of Chinese who felt they also wanted to do something different with their life, like go and travel, see the world, and escape the pressures and routines of their daily life. The phrase became so popular that it was adapted in all kinds of ways and manners, by meme creators, in books, by brands, and even by Xi Jinping, who said: “China’s market is so big, we welcome everyone to come and see it” (“äø­å›½åø‚åœŗčæ™ä¹ˆå¤§ļ¼Œę¬¢čæŽå¤§å®¶éƒ½ę„ēœ‹ēœ‹”).

This week, Lěngshān Record (å†·ę‰Record), the Wechat account under Chinese media outlet Phoenix Weekly (凤凰å‘Ø刊), revisited the phrase and published a short documentary about Gu’s life after the resignation and the hype surrounding it.

An earlier news article about Gu’s life post-resignation already disclosed that Gu, despite receiving many sponsorship deals, never actually extensively traveled the world. In the short documentary, Gu explains that she chose to “return home after seeing the world.” By this, she doesnā€™t mean traveling extensively abroad, but rather gaining life experience in a broader sense. While she did travel, it was within China, including in Tibet and Qinghai.

What truly changed was her life path. She left Zhengzhou and relocated to Chengdu to be near Yu Fu (äŗŽå¤«), a man she had met just weeks earlier by chance during a trip to Yunnan. Six months after the resignation letter, she married him. Together, they ended up opening a hostel near Chengdu, married, and had a daughter.

Gu, now 45 years old, has been back in her hometown of Zhengzhou for the past years, caring for her aging mother and 9-year-old daughter. She is living separately from her husband, who manages their business in Chengdu. She also runs her own livestreaming and online parenting consultancy business.

Although the woman who wanted to “see the world” ended up back home, she has zero regrets about what she did, suggesting her courage to step out of the life she found limiting ultimately transformed her in a meaningful way.

On Chinese social media, the topic went trending on March 19. Most people cannot believe it’s already been ten years since the sentence went trending (“What? How could time fly like that?”). Others, however, wonder about the hopes and dreams behind the original messageā€”and how it all turned out.

šŸ’¬ “Seeing the world? She just escaped her old life, got married, and had a baby. How is that ‘seeing the world’?” one commenter wondered (@-NANA酱- ).

šŸ’¬ “The world is so bigā€”what did she end up seeing?” others questioned. “She went from Zhengzhou to Chengdu.”

šŸ’¬ “Seeing the world takes money,” some pointed out.

šŸ’¬ But others came to her defense, saying that “seeing the world” also means stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring a different life. In the end, Gu certainly did just that.

šŸ’¬ “She was quite courageous,” another commenter wrote: “She gave up a stable job to go and see the world. Perhaps her life didn’t end up so rich, but the experiences she gained are priceless.”

The world is still big, though, and thereā€™s plenty left for Gu Shaoqiang to see.

Also read what we wrote about this in 2015: In The Digital Age, ā€˜Handwritten Weiboā€™ Have Become All The Rage


What’s Memorable

Best reads from the archive

šŸ“š This pick from our archive is from last year, about Fan Zeng (čŒƒę›¾), the famous Chinese calligrapher, who is turning 87 soon and has a wife 50 years his junior.

This week, some videos featuring Chinese theoretical physicist & Nobel Prize winner Yang Chen-Ning (ęØęŒÆ宁) circulated on social media. Yang is turning 103 this year. Still sharp of mind, and he takes a walk every day.

Yang Chen-ning

In this interview here, when asked about the secret to his longevity, he points to one thing above all: luck.

šŸ€ Mostly, he suggests itā€™s the luck of good genes. On his fatherā€™s side, diabetes was common, but he was fortunate to inherit his motherā€™s genes in that regard.

šŸš He also mentions the luck of never experiencing extreme hunger during wartime ā€” he lived in Kunming during those years.

šŸ’Ŗ And then he stresses the importance of taking walks, every day, since he was about 70. Keep moving, keep the blood flowing!

What he doesnā€™t mention, however, is that his wife, Weng Fang (ēæåø†), is 54 years (!) his junior ā€” Iā€™m pretty sure she helps keep him young tooā€¦

Fan and Yang are good friends, and Yangā€™s good health might have inspired him to marry his 50-years-younger girlfriend last year. Read more šŸ‘‡

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Manya is the founder and editor-in-chief of What's on Weibo, offering independent analysis of social trends, online media, and digital culture in China for over a decade. Subscribe to gain access to content, including the Weibo Watch newsletter, which provides deeper insights into the China trends that matter. More about Manya at or follow on X.

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The 315 Gala: A Night of Scandals, A Year of Distrust

From sanitary pads to shrimp: these were 315 Galaā€™s biggest scandals. Itā€™s business as usual.

Manya Koetse



Dear Reader,


Since yesterday, Chinaā€™s trending topic lists are all about recycled sanitary pads, unhygienic disposable underwear, and water-injected shrimp.

Why, you might wonder?

It has everything to do with the 35th edition of Chinaā€™s consumer day show, ā€˜CCTV 3.15 Galaā€™ (3Ā·15ę™šä¼š). It aired on Saturday night, becoming one of the most-discussed topics on Chinese social media for exposing malpractices across various companies and industries.

The famous consumer rights show, which coincides with World Consumer Rights Day, is a joint collaboration between CCTV and government agencies. It has been broadcast live on March 15 since 1991.

Each year, the theme of the show varies slightly, but its core mission remains unchanged: to educate people on consumer rights and expose violations while holding companies accountable.

At the time of writing, topics exposed on the show are dominating trending & hot lists across multiple platforms, from Weibo to Douyin, and from Kuaishou to Toutiao.

Weibo’s hot trending list dominated by 315-related topics.

Iā€™ll give you a quick walkthrough of three major stories that have sparked the most discussion online.

1ļøāƒ£šŸšØ ā€œRecycledā€ Counterfeit Diapers & Sanitary Napkins

The first big story involves a company from Liangshan in Jining called Liangshan Xixi Paper Products (åøŒåøŒēŗøåˆ¶å“ęœ‰é™å…¬åø), which was exposed for selling so-called ā€œrefurbishedā€ (ēæ»ę–°) sanitary pad and baby diapers.

The companyā€™s owner, Mr. Liu (刘), bought up scraps and defective sanitary napkins and baby diapers from recognized brands for anything from 260 RMB ($36) to 1400 RMB ($193) per ton. He then repackaged and resold them to unsuspecting consumers, both online and offline, making significant profits.

The incident has a lot of impact. Some of the brands involved are big and reputable Chinese companies, including Freemore (č‡Ŗē”±ē‚¹) and Sofy (č‹č²), some of Chinaā€™s most popular feminine hygiene brands.

On Saturday night, after the scandal was brought to light, virtually all of the brands involved halted their e-commerce livestreams. Behind the scenes, marketing crises teams gathered to create statements, which soon were published online.

Sofy responded by stating that the disposal of their non-conforming products is 100% handled within a closed-loop system, ensuring they cannot be resold or reused. They also denied manufacturing the products with their branding shown in the 315 Gala and pledged to fully cooperate with authorities to combat counterfeit and substandard goods (hashtag #č‹č²å‘å£°ę˜Ž#, over 130 million views).

In response to this incident, the authorities in Jining have undertaken various actions. They have detained those responsible and launched a citywide campaign to oversee the production and sale of sanitary napkins and baby diapers.

In online comment sections, many Chinese netizens argue that the entire industry should be investigated to prevent similar violations from recurring, as this is not the first time such issues have come to light. How did products with defects end up for sale? How can people be sure that their diapers and sanitary pads arenā€™t counterfeit?

In 2024, there have been multiple online discussions about the safety of Chinese sanitary pads after an online film maker exposed how illegal factories are recycling used materials, including shredded pads and diapers, into new sanitary products. These contaminated pads, sold cheaply on e-commerce platforms, have been linked to pelvic inflammation and other gynecological problems.

2ļøāƒ£šŸšØ Disposable Underwear Sewn by Hand, Stored Next to Trash

The second major story revealed by the 315 Gala involves disposable underwear produced by local manufacturers in the city of Shangqiu. It was uncovered by investigative reporters that many of these manufacturers do not sterilize their disposable underwear products at all. They store them in unsanitary conditions, and use toxic chemicals. Additionally, they falsely advertise their products as 100% cotton when, in reality, they are made of polyester.

Disposable underwear has become more popular in China in recent years. This is not necessarily disposable incontinence underwear, or the kind you only see in hospitals, but itā€™s one-time wear underwear that is sold at Miniso or Watsons and promoted as a hygienic and convenient solution for workers or travelers, for use in hotels, spas, and beyond.

Among the various companies found to be violating production standards, one company (Mengyang Clothing ę¢¦é˜³ęœé„°) had a particularly chaotic production workshop. A reporter, going undercover as a potential buyer, entered the factory and saw how workers were sewing disposable underwear with bare hands, without any sterilization, and storing them right next to piles of garbage.

Among the brands involved are those regularly sold on platforms like Taobao, including Beiziyan (č“å§æ妍), Chuyisheng (初医ē”Ÿ), and Langsha (ęµŖ莎). Theyā€™ve now been removed, and Shangqiu authorities have already established a joint task force to further tackle and investigate the situation.

A related hashtag (#äø€ę¬”ę€§å†…č£¤ēˆ†é›·#) has received over 310 million views by now on Weibo, showing just how concerned people are about the topic. Last year, one Douyin influencer (@黑ēŠ¬é…±Ā·MO) also exposed a factory for the messy and chaotic circumstances under which they produce disposable underwear, after she ended up with a gynecological infection after wearing disposable underwear. Other people shared similar experiences.

3ļøāƒ£šŸšØ Shrimp, with an Extra Serving of Phosphates

The third big story exposed fraudulent practices in the seafood industry, where frozen shrimp suppliers were found illegally adding excessive amounts of phosphates as a water-retention agent.

Phosphates are widely used as food additives in seafood to preserve freshness and texture, but in this case, the process was exploited to artificially increase the weight of shrimp for profit.

One reporter uncovered a facility where shrimp were soaked in phosphates for over 10 hours, resulting in a phosphate content of 30%ā€”far exceeding legal limits.

At another seafood facility, shrimp were rapidly frozen after chemical soaking, followed by an additional coating process to further increase weight. In some cases, only 30% of the final weight was actual shrimp after defrosting.

Beyond the deceptive nature of these practices, the overuse of phosphates poses serious health risks, including digestive issues, or increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

One worker at the seafood plant interviewed by one of the reporters admitted that they never eat the shrimp they process, saying: “Here on the coast, we only eat fresh shrimp.”

šŸ”šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ Business as Usual

These stories, along with other brands and fraudulent practices exposed by CCTV, have sparked anger among netizens. Many women voiced concerns about the safety of sanitary pads. Others wondered about the quality of their seafood. Some vowed never to buy disposable underwear again. Parents angrily asked why they had to question the safety of the diapers for their babies.

An old Dutch saying goes, ā€œTrust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback.ā€ It can take years to build a reputation, but a single bad incident can ruin peopleā€™s trust in an instant. This is especially true in China, where public trust in well-known brands has been repeatedly shaken by scandals. A single product crisis can not only severely damage a companyā€™s reputation, but even lead to an erosion of trust in the entire industry.

āž”ļø The most infamous and devastating example, which left a deep scar on consumer trust, was the 2008 melamine scandal, in which dairy manufacturers deliberately added melamine, an industrial chemicalā€”to diluted raw milk to falsely boost its protein content. Among the infants and children who consumed the tainted milk, over 250,000 cases of health problems were reported. 52,000 children were hospitalized, and six infants lost their lives.

Although the milk powder scandal became a turning point for food and product safety regulations in China, leading to stricter oversight and improved industry standards, it also fueled deep consumer distrust. Even as Chinese brands worked to enhance quality and adopt international safety standards, many consumers remained hesitant to trust them.

āž”ļø Last yearā€™s cooking oil scandal, involving transport trucks and cargo ships being used to carry both cooking oil and toxic chemicals without proper cleaning procedures, again fueled many discussions about public safety and if people can trust the products they use on a daily basis. It raised public concern not just about unsafe food-handling practices, but also about a myriad of other problems, including a lack of enforcement, bureaucratic inefficiency, power plays, public deception, and especially a lack of transparent communication in the aftermath of such scandals.

šŸ”¹ Somewhat ironically, CCTVā€™s 315 Gala is tackling precisely this issue. By exposing unsafe products and illegal business practices, the show puts brand names, details, and investigations into the public eye. In doing so, they help shape an online discourse where state media, local authorities, and consumers unite in their fight against industry misconduct.

At the end of the day, both brands and consumers have become familiar with the playbook that follows such crises when they are exposed on the 315 Gala.

šŸ” Today, an interesting blog by Market News (åø‚åœŗ资č®Æ) published on Sina Finance (“开äŗ†24幓ēš„315ę™šä¼š å››å¤§č§„å¾‹ä½ ę‡‚ä¹ˆ”), voiced a critique of the Consumer Day show, arguing that the show, instead of an actual solution for Chinaā€™s food & product safety, has become more like an annual ritualistic spectacle for the people, a cathartic pressure valve for public frustration.

The author observes four patterns in relation to scandals exposed on the show.

šŸ“Œ Businesses & consumers follow the same old script

The apologies are ready, the bows are rehearsed, and the damage control strategies are in place.
After so many years of getting exposed, Chinese companies no longer panic after being featured on the show. They have their response templates prepared and a crisis strategy to manage public outrage. Meanwhile, e-commerce platforms swiftly cut ties with implicated brands and showcase new quality control measures, while consumers are comforted with apology letters and discount coupons before getting distracted by the next headlines.

šŸ“Œ Authorities/regulators also stick to their routine playbook

Similarly, Chinese regulators have a scripted response ready to demonstrate their proactiveness in handling the situation. They quickly issue official statements, ensuring to include phrases like ā€œimmediate shutdown,ā€ ā€œongoing investigation,ā€ and ā€œfines will be imposed.ā€

šŸ“Œ The dark side of the industry will still be there

Big businesses prioritize profit over ethics, and as long as the profits outweigh the fines, companies will continue to test regulatory boundaries. There will always be loopholes to exploit, ensuring that these scandals will happen again.

šŸ“Œ Only small companies face real consequences

While major corporations have the capital and resources to weather a public relations crisis, it is only the small companies without strong investor backing that fail to recover after being exposed on the 315 Gala. This also means that these scandals often donā€™t actually lead to industry reform.

Scrolling through Chinese social media today, it’s evident that the combined force of social media and the CCTV 315 Gala show has an immense impact.

But public outrage has a short lifespan.

The more consumers grow accustomed to scandals, the more consumer tolerance increases, and the more corporate ethics degrade.

Public distrust remains. The anger is there. But the scandals continue.

The CCTV 315 Gala provides an opportunity for everyone to be angry about it for a day.šŸ”š

There were even more consumer scandals this week, which you can read about below. Special thanks to Miranda Barnes for her input and contributions to this week’s newsletterā€”be sure to check out her podcast recommendation as well.

Manya Koetse


What’s Trending

Roundup of top trends & most noteworthy discussions on Chinese social media this week

Read here


What’s Behind the Headlines

Recommended Reads & Listens by Miranda Barnes

Last week and into the beginning of this week, the Two Sessionsā€”China’s annual parliamentary meetingsā€”were trending on Weibo and other Chinese social media platforms. Chinese online media were filled with coverage, yet Western newspapers had surprisingly little to say about these meetings.

I listened to a well-known podcast by two British political commentators: The Rest Is Politics, hosted by Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart. They talked about how little the Western world has been reporting about the Two Sessions in China.

This is how the podcast was started by Campbell:

(..) Because most of our media hasn’t bothered with it, we should talk about the China National Congress they just had (..) The reason I wanted to talk about China is that we are in this world where we all tell each other that there are two superpowers in the world: the United States and China. And the United States, we cover and discuss every single aspect of everything that’s been happening inside Donald Trumpā€™s White Houseā€”(..), we’re even talking about the woman who walks alongside Trump carrying his bags and knocking the dandruff off his suit and all that sorts of stuff. And yet China has just held its Two Sessions, which is the National Congress and the big advisory body, and it’s as if it never happened.

Over the past few days, Iā€™ve been asking people if theyā€™re aware of anything big happening in China recently, and nobody knows.

Now, I wonā€™t put you on the spot, Rory, because it would be too cruel, but if I asked people to name the seven members of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committeeā€”probably the seven most powerful people in Chinaā€”most of our listeners won’t know.

So, is this a language thing? Is it because Trump floods the zone with so much shit that we just find ourselves poking in the turds, deciding which piece to focus on before he drops the next one?

Or is it that we maybe havenā€™t fully caught up with just how important China is now in terms of our lives, as much as their own?

In this podcast, the two hosts acknowledged that Trump, and, of course, the ongoing war, dominate media coverage in the West. But they made a very valid point in questioning how people could be ignoring such a major political event in China, emphasizing just how crucial China is on the world stage.

They argued that mainstream media editors simply donā€™t prioritize Chinaā€”not because there arenā€™t great journalists covering it, but because itā€™s not seen as a pressing topic. They also suggested that this lack of coverage isnā€™t always due to disinterest (thereā€™s no doubt the world is interested in China), but that language and cultural barriers might also play a role.

Yet, as pointed out in the podcast, here we are: the West, living under Trumpā€™s influence, reacting from tweet to tweet, tantrum to tantrum, while practically disregarding Xiā€™s long-term visionā€”his roadmap for China from 2021 to 2035 and then from 2035 to 2050ā€”which follows a methodical strategy that will inevitably shape the future.

You can watch or listen to the podcast here.

This is an on-site version of the Weibo Watch newsletter by What’s on Weibo. Missed last week’s newsletter? Find it here. If you are already subscribed to What’s on Weibo but are not yet receiving this newsletter in your inbox, please contact us directly to let us know.

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Five Trending Proposals at the Two Sessions šŸ”

From noteworthy proposals at the Two Sessions to Chinese online reactions to Trump’s policy shifts on Ukraine and surprising Hu Xijin news.

Manya Koetse





Dear Reader,


ā€œItā€™s not that I donā€™t understand, itā€™s just that the world is changing so quickly,ā€ one Weibo blogger commented this week, after yet another major news development hit the breaking news section.

Chinese social media has been flooded with discussions about the geopolitical shake-ups triggered by the Russia-Ukraine War and Trumpā€™s policy shifts.

From the Oval Office clash to Trumpā€™s ā€˜pivotā€™ to Russia, Iā€™ve been monitoring the public sentiment on Chinese social media. You can read how Chinese netizens are interpreting the rapidly changing geopolitical landscape in our latest update here.

At the same time, the Two Sessions (liĒŽnghuƬ äø¤ä¼š), Chinaā€™s largest annual parliamentary meetings, are also taking place. These meetings, which outline policy priorities, economic targets, and development plans for the upcoming year, commenced at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 4 and will continue until March 11.

This includes the annual meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese Peopleā€™s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) advisory body and the meeting of the National Peopleā€™s Congress (NPC), Chinaā€™s legislative assemblyā€”often described as a rubber-stamp parliament. This major political event is heavily propagated on Chinese social media, mainly on Weibo and Douyin.

Beyond providing insight into Chinaā€™s strategic direction, the Two Sessions are also significant because they give delegates from across the country the opportunity to make their voices heard by Chinaā€™s top leaders. These proposals and ā€œsuggestionsā€ (å»ŗč®®)ā€”essentially influential recommendations to government departmentsā€”often reflect public concerns and frequently go viral on Chinese social media.

For example, in previous years, a proposal to prohibit single women from freezing their eggs in an attempt to encourage marriage and childbirth sparked heated discussions on Weibo. Last year, another noteworthy proposal suggested that Chinaā€™s online influencersā€”whether celebrities or e-commerce starsā€”should face harsher penalties than the general public for engaging in illegal activities, due to their influence on society.

This year, several new proposals have gained significant online attention. Here are five trending proposals from the past few days:


1. Integrating Sexual Assault Prevention into the School Curriculum

Hashtag: #å»ŗč®®å°†é˜²ę€§ä¾µę•™č‚²ēŗ³å…„ä¹‰åŠ”ę•™č‚²čƾē؋体ē³»#


šŸ”¹ In recent years, sexual assault against minors has become a frequently discussed topic in Chinese media. During this yearā€™s Two Sessions, NPC delegate Fang Yan (ę–¹ē‡•) is advocating for stronger protections for minors against sexual violence.

Among her key proposals, Fang suggests that school staff should be specifically screened for prior sexual assault offenses and calls for harsher penalties for those who commit such crimes. She also proposes that sexual assault prevention be integrated into the compulsory education curriculum through lesson plans and textbooks.

In the past, Chinese official media have launched awareness campaigns to help parents teach their children about sexual education and self-protection. However, these campaigns have also sparked online debate, with some arguing that sexual education should not be solely the parentsā€™ responsibilityā€”the education system should play a bigger role in addressing this issue.


2. Ban on Age Discrimination in Employment

Hashtag: å»ŗč®®å°†ē¦ę­¢å°±äøšå¹“é¾„ę­§č§†ēŗ³å…„ę³•å¾‹


šŸ”¹ If youā€™re familiar with Chinese job advertisements, youā€™ll know how common it is to see age restrictions across different industries. Job listings often include requirements like ā€œmust be under 35ā€ā€”or even physical requirements like ā€œover 170 cm tall.ā€

This week, NPC delegate Meng Yuan (蒙åŖ›) proposed officially banning age discrimination in hiring, aiming to tackle the ā€œ35+ job predicamentā€ (ā€œ35岁+ å°±äøšå›°å¢ƒā€) that many job seekers face. Although age discrimination is not yet officially recognized as employment discrimination in China, it remains widespread. Many companies prioritize younger workers for their lower salaries and perceived trainability, often overlooking the value of experience that older employees bring. In some industries, age discrimination starts as early as 30.

While there is strong online support for such a labor law, many doubt that it will effectively change hiring practices, as job seekers over 35 continue to face widespread discrimination in the Chinese job market.


3. Addressing ā€œInvolutionā€ in Chinese Education

Hashtag: #å»ŗč®®ē “é™¤ę•™č‚²å†…å·#


šŸ”¹ You might remember an image that went viral during flu season, showing Chinese schoolchildren doing homework while hooked up to an IV in a hospital. These images, in many ways, embodied the concept of nĆØijuĒŽn (内卷), or ā€œinvolutionā€ā€”a term representing the intense academic pressures in China.

The image that went viral during flu season in winter of 2023.

This buzzword has been widely discussed on Chinese social media and reflects Chinaā€™s highly competitive education system. One well-known cram school slogan summed up the rat race perfectly: ā€œIf you come to us, we will train your kids. If you donā€™t come to us, we will train the competitors of your kids.ā€

Now, ā€œinvolutionā€ has officially moved from online discussions to government reports, as the prevention of ā€œinvolution-styleā€ competition has been included in the Government Work Report. Delegate Yan Meirong (阎ē¾Žč“‰) also advocates for a better learning environment for children. Instead of focusing solely on numerical scores, he suggests introducing a grading evaluation system in classrooms and shifting the emphasis to critical thinking, innovation, practical skills, and emotional awareness.

Similarly, NPC delegate Liu Xiya (刘åøŒå؅) proposed shifting away from Chinaā€™s ā€œtop-student selectionā€ model and focusing more on childrenā€™s overall well-being, by emphasizing daily exercise and eliminating extra tutoring (#代č”ØčÆ“0蔄čƾ0ęœˆč€ƒå­©å­ęˆē»©éƒ½ę˜ÆA#).


4. The Impact of Short Videos on Childrenā€™s Attention Spans

Hashtag: #å§šę˜Žå»ŗč®®å¼€å±•ęœŖęˆå¹“äŗŗęÆ屏24å°ę—¶č”ŒåŠØ#


šŸ”¹ Another noteworthy trending proposal comes from NPC delegate Yao Ming (å§šę˜Ž), Chinaā€™s basketball icon. Yao wants to raise awareness about the impact of short videos on childrenā€™s attention spans, arguing that excessive screen time weakens deep-thinking abilities and makes it harder for kids to focus on reading long texts.

To tackle this issue, he proposed a ā€œ24-hour screen-free challengeā€, endorsed by schools every semester, encouraging children to engage in alternative activities like music, sports, and the arts.

Another delegate, Bai Yansong (ē™½å²©ę¾), suggested taking it even further, advocating for one screen-free day per month in all Chinese schools.

Some commenters jokingly suggested that it wouldnā€™t be a bad idea to implement this for adults, too.


5. Strengthening Governance Over AI Deepfakes and Voice Cloning

Hashtag: #雷军5äøŖå»ŗč®®4äøŖå’Œę±½č½¦ęœ‰å…³#


šŸ”¹ Lei Jun is the founder and CEO of Xiaomi, but made the news as a delegate submitting five proposals this week, which he also published on his public WeChat account.

Four of Lei Junā€™s suggestions focus on the development of Chinaā€™s automotive industry. He proposed creating a standardized system for AI-powered devices, as they play an important role in the future of AI in China. He believes China should lead the world in this industry by 2030, and to get there, stronger industrial collaboration, a clear standards system (since AI-enabled devices are rapidly emerging with different functions and qualities), and increased support from central and local authorities for R&D and everyday applications are needed.

He also proposed accelerating the commercialization of autonomous driving in China, improving the license plate design of New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) to better suit changing times (by, for example, adding smart features), and enhancing the overall NEV ecosystem.

But perhaps the proposal most popular with netizens was his call to strengthen governance over AI deepfakes and voice cloning to combat the illegal use of such technologies. Lately, thereā€™ve been more stories involving fraudulent practices and scams that involve such technologies, and Chinese official channels have been trying to create more awareness on the abuse of such technologies.
šŸš€ Thereā€™ll be more Two Sessions news on the site soon, as Ruixin Zhang is currently working on an insightful piece about some noteworthy feminist issues related to the meetings.

Iā€™ve sent this newsletter out through a new system integrated into my platform, so if there are any hiccups or youā€™re experiencing difficulties reading, opening links, etc., please let me know! If you receive this newsletter twice, my apologies in advance. Also, if youā€™re not receiving this newsletter in your inbox but should be, and are only reading it on the site, drop me a line and Iā€™ll fix it asap.

As always, thanks for your supportā€”every subscriber helps keep Whatā€™s on Weibo running. If you enjoy what we do, please recommend us to your friends. And if your colleagues would be interested in staying on top of the latest trends and deep dives into digital China, reach outā€”I offer discounted group subscriptions šŸ™Œ.

Warm greetings,
Manya Koetse


What’s on Weibo Chapters

Why are some Weibo commentators calling Zelensky a ā€˜saintā€™? How are Trumpā€™s policy shifts on Russia and Ukraine being received by Chinese netizens? And where does Taiwan fit into the bigger picture?

As the Russia-Ukraine war enters its third year, Chinese social media is once again flooded with discussions about the geopolitical shifts triggered by Trumpā€™s policies. From the Oval Office clash to Trumpā€™s ā€˜pivotā€™ to Russia, this article explores how Chinese netizens are interpreting the rapidly changing geopolitical landscape.

This article is part of the current focus topic for our Whatā€™s on Weibo Chapters: Chinaā€™s Online Discourse on the Russia-Ukraine War.

Read here

A video has been making the rounds around the internet recently suggesting that Chinese nationals are fighting for Russia in the Donetsk region. The source is unknown, but some Chinese bloggers commented on the rumors.

āž”ļø Just because they speak Chinese doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re Chinese nationals. Thereā€™s skepticism over the handwriting on the wall ( ā€œLi Jingjing was hereā€ ā€œęŽę™¶ę™¶åˆ°ę­¤äø€ęøøā€)ā€”some argue the Chinese characters look poorly written, possibly by non-Chinese (such as Koreans).

āž”ļø Cosplay theory: Many believe it shows Chinese military fans or vloggers staging content, not real soldiers. Thereā€™s a lot of realistic military cosplay content on platforms like Kuaishou and Bilibili.

āž”ļø And then there are those wondering, ā€œWho is Li Jingjing?!ā€ Plus the Chinese blogger who jokingly pleaded: ā€œLi Jingjing, come homeā€”itā€™s not worth dying on the Russian battlefield.ā€ Check out more on this below, including link to video:

Read here


What’s Trending

A recap of hot highlights and online discussions


šŸŽ¬ Ne Zha 2 Not in Taiwanese Cinemas

Ne Zha 2 continues to be a major topic of discussion on Chinese social media. Earlier this week, a top hashtag on Weibo (#å“Ŗ吒2é—Æčæ›å…Øēƒå‰7卓é—Æäøčæ›å®å²›å°ę¹¾#) highlighted the fact that Ne Zha 2 is not being released in Taiwanese cinemas. Taiwan enforces a strict quota of 10 mainland films per year, selected randomly by drawing lotsā€”though exceptions are sometimes made. Despite the film becoming one of the highest-grossing animations worldwide, it remains absent from Taiwanā€™s screens. This has sparked some nationalistic responses, with many netizens suggesting that once Taiwan is ā€œreunited with the motherland,ā€ such quotas on mainland movies will no longer exist. Read more on Ne Zha 2 here.


šŸ•Æļø Death of Singer-songwriter Khalil Fong

Over the past week, Chinese netizens have been mourning Mandopop artist Khalil Fong (Fang Datong ę–¹å¤§åŒ), who passed away at just 41. The American-born, Hong Kongā€“based R&B singer was widely seen as an inspiring figure who made a lasting impact on the mainland market by introducing fresh sounds. He won acclaim for his 2017 Journey to the West album and had only recently released a new album, despite battling illness for the past five years. The hashtag ā€œFang Datong Passed Awayā€ (#ę–¹å¤§åŒåŽ»äø–#) has garnered over 1.7 billion views on Weibo, where many are expressing their sadness over the loss of yet another young icon ā€” with the death of Barbie Hsu still also being widely discussed.


šŸ”Ŗ Farewell to ā€œBrother Knifeā€

Another beloved person who recently passed away is Li Kunpeng (ęŽå¤ęœ‹), better known as ā€œBrother Knifeā€ (čœåˆ€å“„) on the Chinese internet. During the devastating floods in Zhengzhou, Henan, in July 2021, Li became a local hero after a bystanderā€™s video went viral showing him climbing onto the hood of a car that was being submerged in floodwaters, attempting to break the windshield with a kitchen knife, and calling on others to help. Thanks to his efforts, a grandfather and two children were successfully rescued from the sinking vehicle. Li, along with seven others, later received an award for their braveryā€”an act that stood out not only because of the tragic circumstances of the 2021 floods but also in a society where the ā€œbystander effectā€ is a widely discussed phenomenon. Li passed away on March 3 at the age of just 39, after falling unexpectedly ill.


ā­ Xiaomiā€™s Lei Jun Shines at Two Sessions

Lei Jun (雷军), Xiaomiā€™s founder & CEO, isnā€™t just making headlines for his proposals at the Two Sessions this weekā€”his cheerful presence and humble demeanor are also capturing public attention.

While speaking to the media at the ā€œDeputiesā€™ Corridorā€ before the opening of the third session of the 14th NPC on March 5, Lei Jun gave a speech highlighting Xiaomiā€™s commitment to contributing to ā€œChinese-style modernizationā€ by pursuing high-end development strategies and continuing to innovate, applying the latest AI technologies.

More than the content of the speechā€”which largely follows the core ideas of Chinaā€™s national AI plansā€”itā€™s Lei Junā€™s delivery thatā€™s popular with netizens. ā€œItā€™s like Iā€™m seeing a friend speaking,ā€ some said. Social media users from Hubei, in particular, are expressing pride in Lei Jun (he was born in Xiantao, Hubei): ā€œArenā€™t we Hubei people particularly handsome?ā€ ā€œWho actually doesnā€™t like Lei Jun?ā€ (ā€œč°ä¼šäøå–œę¬¢é›·å†›å‘¢ā€), another Weibo commenter wondered. Lei Junā€™s popularity highlights how Chinaā€™s tech entrepreneursā€”at least some of themā€”are seen as modern idols, inspiring the public with their success stories.


šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ Tough Taiwan Language During Two Sessions

During the Two Sessions this week, Taiwan was a key topic, accompanied by a coordinated online propaganda campaign by Chinese official channels. The hashtag ā€œTaiwan, Province of Chinaā€ (#äø­å›½å°ę¹¾ēœ#) topped the trending list. CCTV posted an image on Weibo showing ā€œChinaā€ in red with the text ā€œTaiwan must returnā€ below, stating: ā€œForward this! Taiwan Province, Chinaā€”this is the only correct name for Taiwan! Taiwan has never been a country; it never was and never will be.ā€ Peopleā€™s Daily shared another version, declaring: ā€œChina will eventually achieve reunification; it is destined to be unified.ā€

The slogan ā€œTaiwan was never a countryā€ (ā€œå°ę¹¾ä»Žę„äøę˜Æäø€äøŖ国家ā€) has been ubiquitous across Chinese social media this week. It echoes a statement made by Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his March 7 press conference at the Two Sessions, where he stressed that the only official reference to Taiwan within the United Nations is ā€œTaiwan, Province of China.ā€ šŸ“¢ In our latest article, we provide more context.


Whatā€™s Noteworthy

Small news with big impact

We havenā€™t heard much from the well-known political and social commentator Hu Xijin lately. For those of you whoā€™ve been following Whatā€™s on Weibo for a while, you might recall that I have often mentioned Hu Xijinā€™s perspectives in articles. With over 24 million followers on Weibo alone, the former editor-in-chief of the Global Times is one of those influential voices capable of shaping public opinion or sparking heated debates. Heā€™s typically a daily presence on social media, always in the public eye.

However, since Hu Xijin abruptly went silent on Weibo in the fall of 2024 and stayed off social media for 100 days, his online presence seems to have lost some of its usual momentum.

The Weibo algorithms donā€™t appear to be boosting his posts as much anymore. He used to frequently dominate the trending hot lists, but Iā€™m not seeing that happen lately.

Perhaps Hu himself sensed that things on Weibo werenā€™t going his way either, which might explain why he announced this week that heā€™s launching a new account on Xiaohongshu (also known as Rednote), the Chinese social app focused on lifestyle, fashion, and foodā€”and not particularly on politics.

This shift to Xiaohongshu is funny for multiple reasons. This is the same man who, ahead of Pelosiā€™s controversial Taiwan visit, suggested it would be okay to shoot down her plane if Chinese fighter jets couldnā€™t stop it from landing in Taipei. Heā€™s not exactly the kind of person youā€™d expect to see cheerfully talking about his favorite foods. Yet here he is, chatting about snacks, showing off his workout routine, and sharing his international experiences.

In his first video on the platform, Hu Xijin vowed not to discuss politics, but instead to focus on his everyday life. So far, heā€™s doing just thatā€”and seems to be smiling a lot more. At the same time, Hu doesnā€™t seem too concernedā€”or perhaps just doesnā€™t careā€”whether Xiaohongshuā€™s typical user base (mostly young, educated female consumers) is thrilled about his presence on the platform. After his first video, he received plenty of sarcastic comments and jokes. ā€œGosh, this scared me,ā€ some wrote, while others asked: ā€œWho let their dog out?ā€

An image on Xiaohongshu mocking Hu Xijin.

In the end, some wonder whether ā€˜Old Huā€™ is really on the app to share his lifestyle, or if heā€™s simply looking for an extra stream of monetization now that his career as a political commentator seems more vulnerable. He may be muted when it comes to talking about Beijingā€™s politics and economyā€”but when it comes to Beijing dumplings, he wonā€™t be silenced anytime soon.

This is an on-site version of the Weibo Watch newsletter by What’s on Weibo. Missed last week’s newsletter? Find it here. If you are already subscribed to What’s on Weibo but are not yet receiving this newsletter in your inbox, please contact us directly to let us know.

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